WHAT IS NINJA HIGH SCHOOL? For those of you new to the series, NINJA HIGH SCHOOL is a comic series that Ben Dunn, created back in 1987 at the dawn of American Manga. Considered one of the earliest and most influential of the early American Manga it continues to this day. It is about the wacky adventures of the the students of Quagmire High School as they have to contend with ninjas, aliens, giant monsters, super heroes and many other strange things.
Here it is! The 9th and latest volume of NINJA HIGH SCHOOL collecting issue #177-191.
A new threat has taken over the town of Quagmire. An alien entity known as the KURONI have possessed the citizens and they intend to extend their reach throughout the universe. The ninja ANNA FEEPLE and the professor of Steamology, PROFESSOR STEAMHEAD escape through the steam-gate to another dimension to recruit help in freeing their world. Trouble is they end of up in the town of POOTVILLE where the help isn’t really up to snuff. It is up to Anna and Steamhead to whip these students of Pootville High into a group that can defeat the Kuroni menace and free the citizens! Can they do it? Well, I wouldn’t take bets.