Ninja Blast Comic Book

A young Ninja finds himself in a DANGEROUS feud between his Sensei and the General of Neo Japan!

The Ninja Blast comic centers around the young Shadow Blast Ninja Ace, we begin the story of the young ninja coming into full completion of his training and becoming a Master just like his Sensei Genshin who is a father figure to him.

On the day of his training completion ceremony of the Shadow Blast Arts, he find himself in a middle of a fued that span over years between his Master and General Ganto, who is Sensei Genshin younger brother.

Story: L.J. “Fatal Jay” Upshaw

Art: Francis Gabriel Catindig

Colors: Aikau Oliva de Oliveira Coasta

Colors: William “Bad Ankle Bill” Blankenship

Letters: Jason “Mutt” Williams

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