Title’s Fourth Series Ties Together Universe on Free Digital Comics Platform
New York, N.Y. (June 1, 2020) – Fan The Flame Concepts LLC, an independent comic and graphic novel producer, has released the first issue of Neymar Jr. Comics’ Inked: A Steady Hand. The new series is available for Neymar Jr. Comics’ more than 3.1 million global followers and beyond to read for free on Fan The Flame’s immersive digital comics platform at both www.NeymarJrComics.com or its mobile app, where readers can access more than 1,300 episodes across six languages.
The fourth series in the Inked franchise, A Steady Hand was developed by New York Times-bestselling author and comic and graphic novel creator Jason M. Burns. Junior is the franchise’s protagonist, drawn in Neymar Jr.’s likeness, who uses magical tattoo ink to bring his body art to life. A Steady Hand unites characters from across the Inked universe, with heroes – and one unlikely ally — coming together behind Junior in a culmination of all the stories, with an epic battle to save Junior’s sister, their friends and the future.
“This story is everything the Inked universe has been building towards,” said Neymar Jr. “I’m so proud of the action-packed episodes, which tie together all of the characters we’ve met across multiple titles that the Neymar Jr. Comics team have skillfully brought to life.”
Inked: A Steady Hand is the newest title tailored to Neymar Jr. Comics’ youthful audience’s mobile-driven habits and preferences. Short episodes of new comics are released five days per week, in a free, ad-supported user interface that publishes in six languages and utilizes multiple reading capabilities, including the Digitoons vertical scrolling format.
Featuring art by Fernando Peniche with colors and cover by Dustin Evans, and letters by Burns, Nick Deschenes and Ferdinand Velasco, Inked: A Steady Hand is online exclusively at https://www.neymarjrcomics.com or through the dynamic, experience of the Neymar Jr. Comics app. This intuitive app for comic book fans is available in either iOS format through the App Store or Android format in the Google Play Store.
Like all Neymar Jr. Comics titles, Inked: A Steady Hand donates a portion of its proceeds to the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr., the athlete’s non-profit social organization. INJR aims to expand opportunities for children, adolescents and their families living in situations of social vulnerability through education, culture, sports and health.
Neymar Jr. Comics is also available for partnerships with entertainment ventures looking to license fresh, original stories, and is an innovative, high-engagement venue for brand partners looking to reach audiences in an immersive new way.