New Digital Comics and Collections Featuring Fan-Favorite Characters, Stunning Variant Covers and Unearthed Crossovers

New York, NY— April 29, 2020 — The Marvel Digital Comics Shop has your answer for what to read next with the release of new Hidden Gem digital exclusive comics and collections, on-sale now!  Re-live pulse-pounding crossovers from the 1990s, witness the greatest moments of your favorite characters and thrill to compilations of the most jaw-dropping variant covers ever created including:

THANOS LOSESThanos is the Avengers greatest threat.  He’s defeated every hero you can name.  Thanos Wins.  But not always.  See some of the Marvel heroes’ greatest victories over Thanos and his unimaginable might.

THE VILLANIOUS VENOM BATTLES SPIDER-MANVenom may be the anti-hero of today, but he began as the villainous tormentor of Spider-Man.  How can Spider-Man hope to defeat his own personal nightmare?

AVENGERS: ASSAULT ON ARMOR CITYTony Stark’s past continues to haunt him as the fallout from Armor Wars still lingers.  And when a new Iron Monger armor is unleashed, A.I.M. may reign supreme.

SPIDER-MAN: VIBRANIUM VENDETTAWhen Roxxon creates synthetic Vibranium, Spider-Man, Iron Man and Black Panther must stop Ultron, Kingpin and Ghost from possessing it!

HULK: LIFEFORMAs the danger of a mutating superbeing named Lifeform grows, it will be up to heroes like Hulk, Daredevil, Silver Surfer and Punisher to stop him.

MARVEL: THE ACTION FIGURE VARIANT COVERS #1John Tyler Christopher has captivated the imaginations of Marvel fans for years with his Action Figure Variants covers and now his first creations are collected together in this oversized comic!

UNCANNY X-MEN: THE VARIANT COVERS #1See the Uncanny X-Men like you’ve never seen them before on these stunning variant covers collected together in one oversized comic!  Featuring beloved creators including J. Scott Campbell, Arthur Adams, Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Rob Liefeld and many, many more.

Read these astounding stories now by heading to the Marvel Digital Comics Shop and enjoy the amazing adventure that is the Marvel Universe!

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