TidalWave Comics is proud to announce the addition of two graphic novels to their “Political Power” comic book series.

Both of these 96-page graphic novels feature a homage to the cartoon series “Super Friends”. Both the Republicans and Democrat graphic novels are sequels to the previous ones featuring other politicians.

Political Power: Republicans 2: Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Laura Ingraham

Writers: Michael L. Frizell, Jerome Maida

Artists: Joe Paradise, Manuel Diaz, Vincenzo Sansone, Amer Moghrabi

Release Date: 11/17/2021

Who is the voice of the Grand Old Party? That’s always up for debate. What’s clear is that the Republic Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump, favors small government and conservative values. Together in a special 100-page graphic novel are the illustrated biographies of some of the other contemporary voices. Dr. Rand Paul is the son of former presidential candidate and “intellectual godfather” of the Tea Party, Ron Paul, and considered in many circles to be one of the most vital voices on the right. Marco Rubio, the small-government conservative from Florida with strong roots in the Cuban American community, was elected to the House of Representatives at the age of 28 and is a significant player in the conservative movement’s future. One of America’s most influential conservative figures, Laura Ingraham was denounced by many early in her career as a bigot because of her deeply held Christian views. She’s a speechwriter, best-selling author, and the host of a radio show listened by millions. TidalWave’s POLITICAL POWER line of comics explores the lives of those who give voice to a movement. The series has been showcased worldwide on FOX News Channel, Time Magazine, The National Review, Politico and more! Special “ Super Friends” homage cover by Marcelo Henrique Santana.


Political Power: Democrats #2: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Writer: Michael Frizell

Artist: Jonathan Rector, Juan Burgos & Juan José Pereyra, J. Travis Smith

Release Date: 6/21/2021

President Donald J. Trump’s tenure focused the American electorate on politics in ways not seen in modern history. During this tumultuous four-year period, four Democrats rose from the left to challenge the right’s policies. The movers: Joe Biden has had one of the most challenging journeys in American politics, facing an emotional roller coaster to become America’s youngest Congress member and, eventually, the 46th President of the United States. His running mate, Kamala Harris, has devoted herself to bettering her constituents’ lives while focusing on social issues that help minorities and women. Her no-nonsense approach and bi-racial heritage have made her the face of the Democrat party and the nation’s first female Vice President. The shakers: The youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress, few politicians have captured the electorate’s attention like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Unafraid to buck the system to serve as the voice of her generation, her surprise defeat of Joe Crowley of New York is considered the 2018 election cycle’s defining moment. Pete Buttigieg, a polyglot, knows eight languages. After graduating from Harvard and studying as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Pete became the nation’s youngest mayor and the first openly gay candidate for President of the United States. Written by Michael Frizell and Wey-Yuih Loh, and featuring art by Dave Ryan, Juan Burgos, Jonathan Rector, Juan Jose’ Pereyra, J. Travis Smith, and Cornerstone Creative Studios, Political Power: Democrats Volume 2 is a must-read as a new era of American governance begins. Featuring a cover by famed comic book artist Bill Walko.

The biographical comic series has drawn a firestorm of media attention, including features on “The Today Show” CNN, MSNBC and FOX News, and in Time and People magazines.

TidalWave Comics vast catalog of titles can be ordered in print on Amazon and Comic Flea Market. Also, can be downloaded digitally from Kindle, iTunes, EPIC!, Madefire, Izneo, ComiXology, Global Comics, DriveThru Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, Library Pass, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.

TidalWave has profiled unbiased biographies for more than twelve years using the unique storytelling properties of comic books and graphic novels

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