Mother Russia returns to print with all-new zombie love song!

Follow-up to wildly successful Kickstarter campaign includes a variant cover by superstar artist Khoi Pham!

Mother Russia returns to the stapled page in an all-new, all-silent 24-page one-shot Winter Special! Stalingrad. Winter. 1945. One baby. One rifle. One dog. Three million zombies! Hell’s finally frozen over and the gang decides to stretch their legs. Another World War II zombie love song from Jeff McComsey, the writer of Grendel, Kentucky (AWA) and artist of Son of Hitler (Image Comics)! Features a variant cover by Marvel and DC superstar Khoi Pham (Mighty Avengers, X-Men: Legacy, Teen Titans, Cyberforce)!

Mother Russia’s first release was funded by 1,890 backers who pledged $95,908 on Kickstarter. Be sure those backers won’t miss the all-new epic return to this remarkable world.

You can pre-order RIGHT NOW through Diamond Comics Distribution or at

How to order Mother Russia Winter Special:

Mother Russia Winter Special #1 features three regular covers:
Cover A (Diamond code SEP211440) Art by Jeff McComsey $3.99
Cover B (Diamond code SEP211441): Art by Jeff McComsey $3.99
Cover C (Diamond code SEP211442): Art by Khoi Pham $3.99

Each is available for pre-order by readers and retailers at Retailers, get 50% off pricing for ordering over five copies!

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