Monty Python & the Holy Grail Board Game

Debuts on BackerKit Today & Is Already Funded!

January 9, Mt. Laurel, NJ: 
Dynamite is proud to announce a brand new board game featuring the colorful cast of characters from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The beloved British comedy masterpiece comes to tabletops soon, with fans first offered a chance to reserve their copies alongside extras via the BackerKit crowdfunding platform. The campaign is live now and already funded!

Those who pledge to secure their copy in the first 48 hours will receive an exclusive window cling featuring the iconic Black Knight!

In Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Game, players are each one of the Knights of the Round Table. Together alongside King Arthur, they must partake in the legendary quest to track down the Holy Grail. This is no ordinary board game quest though, for the valiant heroes will embark on an epic adventure of absurdity. Along the way they will run into all of the infamous allies, foes, and obstacles that made the 1975 film so iconic.

Prepare to battle the Black Knight and deal with his indomitable, flesh wound-dismissing spirit. Get ready to catapult cows! Gather up your coconuts, and between two and five friends total, and set out on the greatest quest ever quested! No one will be able to say “ni” to this laugh riot of a game!

A playthrough of the game will take about 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the party size and pace of play. The gameplay is a mix of competitive and cooperative, with fellow Knights of the Round Table being treated as “frenemies.” Traveling across the board, players will be collecting “Valor Points,” while trying to avoid the sabotage attempts from their fellow players and the game’s obstacles.

The game is designed by Gwen Ruelle and Sam Bryant. It features original artwork from the film and its development by Terry Gilliam as well as film stills. Wooden meeples and point markers are included, plus a buildable catapult, and quest cards, alongside the 20 by 20 inches folding game board. It is recommended for players 14 years of age or older.

Dynamite Entertainment, publisher of world renowned comic book titles like The Boys, Vampirella, Red Sonja, James Bond, and many more, is excited to invite fans to join this quest, and it all starts right now on BackerKit. With the support of backers, Dynamite will be able to deliver this game directly to the dedicated Monty Python fanbase, and to upgrade and optimize the game to its best self.

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