Look out Ladies, Star Bastard returns in issue #2. Follow the continued exploits of the galaxy’s most obnoxious Space-Captain and his long-suffering crew as they search the cosmos for clues to his past.

A few months ago, I participated in a Kickstarter for a comic book from Andrew Clemson called Star Bastard. The first issue had amazing art and very profession execution. I really enjoyed that book quite a bit. Well Andrew returns with a Kickstarter campaign for issue #2. I had a quick chat with Andrew about the project.
Martin Boruta: Andrew, good to see you are back. Let’s get right into it. For those that didn’t get Star Bastard #1 what are we looking at?
Andrew Clemeson: Marty, thanks for supporting Issue #1 and I’m really glad to continue the story we started in that issue. Star Bastard is a book that pretty much does what it says on the tin. It features a big sweary space captain who drinks, punches and shoots his way across the galaxy alongside an equally dysfunctional crew of reprobates. If you like Red Dwarf, Guardians of the Galaxy, Firefly or a violent foul-mouthed mashup of all of the above, this book is probably for you!
Marty: The art team from Issue #1, are they all back for more?
Andrew: Art duties on the book are by Jethro Morales, an artist who has worked on multiple big titles, such as Vampirella, Army of Darkness, Green Hornet and Deja Thoris for Dynamite, with colour from Teo Gonzales (Executive Assistant:Iris) and lettering by the bastion of indie comic book lettering HDe (Salvagers).
Marty: How has the response been so far to issue #1
Andrew: Issue #1 sold out of the initial print run, so we funded a second run on Kickstarter and after the awesome feedback we are now working to get issue 2 into the hands of readers!
Marty: If I recall your first shot at a Kickstarter for issue #2 fell a tad short. How has that experience affected this relaunched campaign?
Andrew: You are right there Marty, we launched issue #2 once already, but the target goal was much higher than the first time round and we struggled to raise enough money. After speaking to a number of other creators, the consensus is that it’s important to build more of an audience before targeting big dollar amounts in campaigns. So, the decision was made to get the bulk of the artwork finished ahead of time and allow the Kickstarter target to drop lower, and focus on colour, lettering and printing.
Marty: Well that sounds like most of the comic is already done then?

Andrew: Yes, the artwork is pretty much complete! There’s much more action in this book, and hopefully it sets the comic up and hooks readers for further issues.
Marty: How about rewards? Kickstarter supporters are all about the special treats only available if they help fund the campaign.
Andrew: We’ve got a bunch of variant covers for folks who like that sort of thing. All the original artwork is available at pretty reasonable prices. Alongside the original pages, Jethro has also volunteered a few personal commissions, so it’s a great chance for collectors to get a nice piece to hang on their wall. We also offered the chance to be drawn into the book as our highest pledge tier, but those went almost immediately!
Marty: Sounds great. I noticed you have rewards that include issue #1 as well as #2 for those that would like both issues. What about those folks that can’t wait and have to have issue #1 in their hands ASAP?
Andrew: If people would like to get a preview of what’s happened already they can buy a digital copy direct from https://gumroad.com/l/srHix for $0.99!
Marty: That’s great Andrew. Thanks for taking the time and I know that I am in and eagerly awaiting issue #2. Best of luck!
With 29 days to go the project is nearly funded so definitely head over to Kickstarter and please check it out.