Mars Attacks Red Sonja #4 preview

Mars Attacks Red Sonja #4

writer:  John Layman  |  artist: Fran Struken

covers: Arthur Suydam (A), Luca Strati (B), Barry Kitson (C), Barry Kitson (RI/BW), Barry Kitson (RI/Virgin)

                Luca Strati (RI/Virgin)

FC  |  32 pages  |  Science Fiction  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 

It’s the She-Devil-With-A-Sword vs. the She-Creature-With-A-Saucer! Yes, friends, this issue sees a great and terrible battle between Red Sonja— and Green Sonja! One will triumph, and one will die. Can you guess the victor? We’ll give you a hint: It’s NOT Red Sonja!

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