Magic meets mystery in this gorgeous first look at writer and artist Amy Reeder’s upcoming Amethyst miniseries.

What do you suppose the going rate is for office space in Gemworld? After seeing how utterly beautiful the magical, crystalline realm is in our new Amethyst miniseries, we’re not sure Burbank is still the place for us.

We’re kidding about relocating to a fictional realm (moving cross-country was hard enough!), but we’re completely serious about how gorgeous Gemworld and everything else in Amy Reeder’s new fantasy miniseries looks. In her first DC comic since Batwoman, the gifted writer and artist is breathing vibrant new life into the classic DC character, who recently made a return to the DC Universe in Brian Michael Bendis’s Young Justice. In Reeder’s Amethyst, which hits shops next month, Amy Winston returns to Gemworld to celebrate her sixteenth birthday, only to discover that her kingdom and subjects have both gone missing. What happened to them? Is the Dark Lord Opal somehow behind it? And most important…will she have her flying unicorn?!?

As you can tell, we’re pretty excited that Amethyst is back and in such talented hands. So excited, in fact, that we thought we’d give you all a sneak peek at the first issue. Below, you’ll find a first look at Amethyst #1. And no, those sparkly gemstones aren’t deceiving your eyes. We also included a gallery of all six issue covers. Enjoy!

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