LIFEDEATH returns with NEW ART!


A new year is upon us, and change is in the air. It’s hard to say what it all means just yet, but one thing is for cer


Well, as Jeremy said, we really do have some exciting announcements coming in the weeks ahead and we couldn’t be more excited about it all. The last few weeks really got away from us for a whole bunch of reasons. But, we’re back and we thought let’s share some new LIFEDEATH pages for everyone.

So, let’s jump right in! Ok, maybe a slightly bad choice of words given Dr. Ross’s apparent predicament in the double page spread below!

LIFEDEATH Story and Art by John Stanisci

So, I’m not going to say too much about these pages as they are from issue two of the new series. But, I have to say, writing and drawing LIFEDEATH is some of the most fun I’ve ever had making comics!


LIFEDEATH Story and Art By John Stanisci
LIFEDEATH story and art by John Stanisci
Xia saves the day! LIFEDEATH Story and art by John Stanisci

So, in very short time, we are going to have the complete first two issues lettered and collected. We are going to figure a way to make the first two issues available to those of you who would like to read the series.

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