KIDS, PRINT & PUBLISH Your Comic Books & Manga!

Get Thousands of Readers All Over The World! Ages 6+

Students get their comics published in an actual, professionally printed, comic book magazine, to be read by thousands of readers all over the world. They also get a box of their own comics to keep or give away to their friends.

In this course, students learn how to make their own comic books. They also get them printed and published!
After class is over, every student will get a box of comic books with their comic stories in them.
Here is a digital copy of a comic book printed from a previous class:

OLDER KIDS can take a similar class here:

Students will create out their own short comic cartoon story. Students will plan out their stories and characters, going through the whole process of planning, penciling, lettering, and inking on paper. The final part of coloring and editing their work would be done on the computer to give their comic a more professional look.

The students comics would be printed/published in a magazine called “Raytoons Cartoon Avenue”, which publishes comics and artwork created by kids. Thousands of copies of the magazine are printed per issue. These comics would be distributed to schools and comic books stores for other children to read. (Visit for distribution list.)

This class covers the fees for the student’s printed/shipping of comics. USA Students would receive at least 30 Raytoons Cartoon Avenue comic books.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high cost of shipping to foreign countries, learners in this class from outside the USA will get 10+ comic books instead of 30. Please contact me if you would like more than 10 comic books shipped, for info on additional shipping costs.
SEE BELOW for comic book printing schedules.
The comic magazine would feature comics made by everyone in these classes.

**NOTE: This class may meet once a week for 4-weeks OR “camp-style” in which it will meet four straight days for a week.**

Students will learn how to create, edit, and color their comic stories. Artwork will be done on paper, then scanned and edited on computer. (If student has a computer tablet and wishes to use that instead, let me know prior to class.)

【Day 1】
The students will learn the rules on making a comic for the class.
❖ The rules will also available on the classroom page.
❖ Students have to create their own characters, not copy others (like Spiderman and Batman, for example).
❖ Rules include following the template guides, which will also be available on the classroom page.
The students think of ideas for their short comic story.
Students learn about Splash Panels.
❖ Students might even start working on splash panels, if there is time.
For Homework, students plan out their stories. They will need to have a penciled splash panel ready for the next class.
❖ Students may send their penciled panels for the instructor to look over, if they want. Panels can be sent to
If students get approval from the instructor, they may ink the panel early, if they want. But DO NOT color the panel.
NONE of their panels should be inked yet, unless learner gets permission from instructor.

【Day 2】
Instructor will check student panels to make sure they are ready to ink.
❖ It is important to make sure that the spelling/grammar of the text is correct.
❖ The text must also not be too small, should be in capitals (like in comic books), and is readable.
❖ Some captions may be required to tell the reader what is going on.
Students will ink their comics, and then erase ALL the pencils.
Students will pencil their other panels.
For Homework, students work on their other panels.
Any panels that are inked (and pencils erased), should be scanned onto their computer and ready for next class.
❖ Students MAY NOT work on more than 4 panels at one time.
(They can work on more panels after the first 4 are COMPLETELY done and the instructor says you can make more.)
❖ Students must first have the instructor look over the panels, before they can ink them (and erase the pencils).
Panels can be sent to
❖ Students DO NOT color the panel. They will be colored later on the computer.
NONE of their panels should be inked yet, unless learner gets permission from instructor.

【Day 3】
Direct Instruction: Students will follow along with the teacher as he shows them how to edit their comic panels on the computer.
The teacher also shows them how to color their artwork as well.
Students will edit and color their comic art.

【Day 4】
With the assistance of the teacher, they will setup the layout of the comic book panels onto the page.
❖ Layout Page Templates will be available to download prior to class.
For Homework: If students are not finished, they will have at least a week after the last day to finish their comics.
(Exact due dates will be given during class and on the classroom page.)
❖ Students may submit their comics via email (to, posted in Outschool’s student messaging section, or through the Edmodo page. If students have their own file sharing place (like Dropbox), they may share it that way as well.
❖ Any comic panels submitted, after the last day is over, without the proper editing or approval of the instructor will be rejected.

Comic Book Printing/Release Schedules
Classes from January 2021 – April 2021: Comics will be put together and printed in May in Raytoons Cartoon Avenue #4.
Comics will be released (and shipped to students) in June/July.
Classes from May 2021 – July 2021: Comics will be put together and printed in Late August/September in Raytoons Cartoon Avenue #5.
Comics will be released in Late September/October.
Classes from August 2021 – December 2021: Comics will be put together and printed in January in Raytoons Cartoon Avenue #6.
Comics will be released in February/March 2021.
Classes from January 2022 – April 2022: Comics will be put together and printed in May in Raytoons Cartoon Avenue #7.
Comics will be released (and shipped to students) in June/July.

Materials Needed:
Computer & Scanner (or a drawing/graphics tablet may be used instead)
Please install Zoom on the same device as the art software being used.
That way the instructor will be able to see what the student is doing and be able to help the student,
if he or she is having any difficulties.
Photoshop is recommended.
If Photoshop isn’t an option for you, a similar art program may be used.
Here is a link to other possibilities:
A Photoshop alternative that I would recommend is called Photopea, which in online-based, and can be found here: (Contact Ray at if you need assistance.)
Pencils and Erasers
Fine Point & ultra fine point permanent markers or Sharpies (Not needed if a drawing/graphics tablet is being used)
Optional Materials:
Comic Books (For examples and ideas on a comic story can be laid out.)
Printer with Printer Paper

This is a LIVE class and is NOT pre-recorded.
This class will be presented via cameras from the instructor, as well as through screen sharing. That way students can be able to observe step-by-step what the instructor is doing. Students can interact with the instructor, as well ask ask questions during instruction.

Students are expected to communicate with the teacher. Communication, visuals, and hands-on instruction are all the things that are important in helping the students get a better understanding of the subject.

By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Students will learn to design a comic book through the whole process of…
Drawing, lettering, inking on paper, and editing on the computer.
2. Students will learn to establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict in their comic stories.
3. Students will learn to brainstorm and writing their own script/storyboard through the process of story development
(Language skills are engaged).
The process would involve reinforcing and improving of their literacy skills through the arts
by engaging in a fun, project-oriented, and creative process (Academic Reinforcement).
4. Students will be able to draw out their own comic book panels and edit them on the computer.
5. Students will be understand the “layout” process of setting up a comic book page for print.
(When doing layout students will learn things like Margins, Trim Lines, Full Bleeds, etc.)

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