As announced at today’s Kamen Rider panel at Anime Expo (Los Angeles Convention Center), Hendry Prasetya (Power Rangers, Aquaman) will be the artist alongside writer Brandon Easton (Transformers, Superman, Mister Miracle) on the new Kamen Rider Zero-One comic series – published by Titan Comics and Stonebot Comics this Fall!
Kamen Rider Zero-One is an originated comic series based on the Tokusatsu TV series Karmen Rider Zero-One – currently airing on Shout! Factory in the US. The Kamen Rider series features various characters who transform using belts, and sometimes other tools, to battle.
Attendees at the panel also received an early sneak peek at Prasetya’s stunning character designs (NOT FINAL ARTWORK) for hero KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE, and a brand-new creation for this comic series – its sinister and mysterious new villain, RAGNAROK!
With more information to be revealed about the new Kamen Rider Zero-One comic series, keep up to date and follow Titan Comics on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.