I’m going to be honest with you–I thought this part of my life was over.
Yet–here we are.
Since it has been a minute (Like, 4 years, actually) what better way to stretch, than pick a title among the weekly downloads, of which I have zero clue about, and ikuzo.
And–when I say zero clue, I mean zero.
I haven’t read a comic book in two years.
When ADHD slaps, it slaps hard sometimes.
Let’s not even talk about the blink these last few have become.
Low key, I was at Megacon two weeks ago, though: )
Wow. This is fun : )
Um. Yeah.
Funny story: Rik reached out and I thought to myself–J, if you don’t do this now, you won’t.
So, I guess I’m paneling at Wondercon 2025 on 03/21 : )
And–maybe SD :)–but, I don’t want to jump too far ahead : )
Since, this is about a book–not my shameless self promotion.
I would like to note quickly, since this kind of explains, hopefully, my immediate disdain–is–command over the written English language.
There are so many freedoms in English not present in other, more structured formats.
You can say a sentence one way, and use another way to say that very sentence–as long as it is a complete thought, of course.
Heavily influenced by Lee Child and David Baldocci in my teens, I understand how to play with sentence structure, while not exceeding givens.
With mostly short, concise statements, use of negative space increases readability.
I’m not anti-indentation, btw, it’s just my writing style, I just don’t understand not caring about letter alignment in speech bubbles.
There are ways to express variations of intensity, using punctuation, to mimic speech patterns–and almost everyone fails.
Maybe there is something to that whole, most people not having internal monologue thing.
Spending 90% of my childhood alone in my room did have some benefits, apparently.
Again, I say all this, because sometimes reading comics makes my brain want to bleed.
I’m not sure where formatting with hanging indented lines (I understand it happens on centered alignment, but that is my point), and limited use of commas became
standard, but I really hate it.
Also, the repeated use of words in back to back sentences is like nails on a chalkboard.
Throw in some continuity issues–and I’m severely annoyed.
…Oh! I haven’t even mentioned the title XD
Remote Space TPB is beautifully colored with ambitious narrative opportunity; but, opened to page one, words already feel flat:
Different isn’t necessary because species in its very definition implies differences–millions tells me how many and that there are a lot–but, using the word species four
times in one block is either elementary writing or AI generated; I honestly can’t tell anymore.
Also—does anyone type out words anymore; (see how obnoxious that is?) or, is everything that can be a contraction always now a contraction?
… Ugh. How many times are you going to say the word the?!
The species…the planet… the consequences…
I feel like I’m driving over speed bumps in my mind.
The third sentence only has one single period to end the sentence in terms of punctuation which seems to be a bit silly even with words that have natural pauses but I
guess at least there is that.
Man, I’m funny : )Moving on…
I guess I’m a little confused how there are technocratic refugees on Earth.
Did they launch themselves into space only to stay in orbit close enough to return; or did some stay behind?
And, is it just me; or, for a technophobic civilization, they sure do use a lot of tech only 400 some odd years later…
Make it make sense.
I know I am being a bit harsh, but that is, like, my job.
I will say here, I’m less annoyed at Cliff Rathburn, since wearing so many hats on a project is quite impressive–and mostly annoyed at IMAGE’s editors.
Cliff’s use of offsetting black heavy lines for focals with faint, thin colored outlines and shading to express energy release/heat, as well as movement, is marvelous.
Back to the story: Lola makes a statement about being posted on Earth, so yeah I guess the techies are close enough to travel…
And, page 45 confirms they have outposts at least throughout the solar system…
The plot is fleshed, no pun intended, a bit more; some of my questions were answered, annnd… the rest is essentially robots battling monsters, which I can get behind:
I’m done now.
Buh-byeeee : )