So, I’m a gamer—for reals—you would thing in this day, as a chick, I wouldn’t still have to regularly prove it; but, I do.

It’s a thing.

I remember when I got my Playstation—we didn’t have a lot of money; but, my Aunt, kind of, did; as a RN with no children of her own at the time—I rarely asked for anything; and, it was what I wanted for my birthday; and, she got it for me.

I played the fuck out of Spyro, Frogger, Crash Bandicoot 3 and Midievil…

…those fat fucks in the city were creepy as fuck…


I’ve come a long way since then—God of War 1,2&3; Devil May Cry 1,3,&4; Prince of Pursia (like, 4 or 5 of them); Skyrim; Asura’s Wrath; Dante’s Infurno; Prototype; so many others…

Went PC about five (5) years back with Star Wars: The Old Republic ONLINE until our guild fell apart when it went free to play; and, dabbled in Dota 2 with my guys for a few years—though, they’re all much better than me—would still be playing if I had a strong enough connection…


Sigh… anyway… I also do a lot of mobile gaming—Summoner’s War for, like, three (3) years, for example…

Recently, I had a problem with new mobile games syncing with my Google Play Games even though I was logged in.

Kept trying to force me to create a new ID…



After the fourth game, I finally got pissed enough to call Google Tech Support—mainly because the game I wanted to play wouldn’t let me just create a guest account like the three before and left me no choice.

I’m sure support gets calls all the time from people who have no clue what they are doing but I checked everything I could think of:


So when I called, the guy was trying to walk me through everything as if I was on of these people.

He wasn’t rude or anything but, I could tell…

At one point, he was like just make a new ID…

But, I didn’t want to lose my data, or change my tag—tags are important to gamers, as all gamers know.

Finally, I was like, “…but I’m a level 11…”


Then; he was like, “Oh! You ARE a gamer…”

Fucking duh… Sigh… Stupid boys… by the end of the call, we were talking games… LOFuckingL

Anyway, I had to restart my phone after adjusting some settings and he called me back…

In the interim, apparently he consulted his lead and was told if all of that doesn’t work I would just have to create a new ID—period—but; all my data would still exist—so, I broke down and used an alternative, much older tag (JEZBIE).

…sigh… Whatevs…

But; I finally got to Play Angel Stone.

And—now, I’m addicted… Sigh…


Level 20 in two (2) days.. LOFuckingL… (but, now 30 in three : )

Really diggin’ it.

So, there are story missions, which are graded… ‘S’ed the first twenty (20) levels already—but, having a hard time getting higher than an ‘A’ on the last ten (10) I’ve done.

Still pretty impressed with me self… I’m awesome : )

I like the powers and animation.

There is also different grades of level gear—which also have to be reinforced for better stats…


Then; then blue ones there can be crafted into legendary (gold) in the Armory if you have the right materials—one of which is super rare and expensive as fuck so decisions do have to made—like, not wasting upgrading a level 12 piece when you’re already a level 28.

The Angel Stones, or powers, also have to be leveled up and upgraded—which are two different things.

There are also, like, at least fifty (50) different ones so acquiring new are important—though, I’ve found a few that are just super powerful I like so haven’t switched out since the beginning.

I do feel enhancing the artifacts aren’t worth it—costs a fortune for very little gain…


OH! And linking as many spots as you can is a thing…


…mentioned I’m living/working at a hostel in San Diego, currently—these Marines just came through and got me drunk while outside taking a break from this, smoking a cig… I really should be done with this before I’m too faded to type…

So—K. Done—byee!



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