Invincible Red Sonja #2 preview

Invincible Red Sonja #2

writer: Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner | artist: Moritat

covers: Amanda Conner (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Celina (C) Frank Cho “Outrage” (D), Dominica Cosplay Variant (E), Carla Cohen (RI), Amanda Conner (RI/Line Art), Dominica Cosplay Variant (RI/Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI/ Line Art), Carla Cohen (RI/Virgin), Amanda Conner (RI/Line Art Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI/Line Art Virign)

FC | 32 pages | Sword and Sorcery | $3.99 | Teen+

Our award-winning duo of AMANDA CONNER and JIMMY PALMIOTTI continue Red Sonja’s mission to protect a young (and, shall we say, precocious?) princess as her wedding day arrives. But as the preparations for the festivities continue, a coveted icon of the kingdom is stolen and its protector, the Kings wizard, sets a bounty Red Sonja cannot resist. All this can be yours, featuring the strikingly beautiful sequential art of MORITAT and another killer cover by AMANDA CONNER and PAUL MOUNTS!

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