When disgruntled professional wrestler “Rock ‘n’ Roll” Rory Landell declares himself “galactic champion of the universe,” little does he know that he’s sparked an intergalactic war with a planet of aliens for whom wrestling isn’t just real, it’s their way of life! Now Earth is paying the price—but can Rory get his act together in time to save us all?

The Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia trade paperback collects all six exciting issues of the blockbuster series into one definitive edition with exclusive new bonus content. Once more, YOU can be a part of it! Every backer who pledges at the $25 level or more has their name added to the trade’s backmatter—presented as a special “memorial” to the brave people around the world who lost their lives during the Wrestletopian invasion. If this trade is distributed in comic book shops or other book stores, you’ll be famous!
By day, we’re video game writers. You may have seen our work in games like Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, and Maneater. When we’re not writing for games we work on our own stories, one of which turned out to be Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia, a tale born out of our mutual love for professional wrestling while growing up. This led to a three-year journey in which we would release six single issues in digital form, thanks to some amazingly talented artists. (And money. Lots and lots of our own money.)

And that brought us here. We’ve heard from lots of people that they want to see IFPW in print, and so do we! Truth be told, we had such a blast we’d like to make a lot more comics, but it all starts with this Kickstarter—and more specifically, with YOU. Whether you’re a wrestling fan or not, we promise you’ll enjoy this story of love, betrayal, redemption, and running leg drops.
“Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia is the perfect comic for wrestling fans. Whether you’ve been a fan since the days of Hulkamania or just have a passing fandom of modern WWE.” —Connor Casey, Comicbook.com
“Few books achieve the level of glee Wrestletopia produces.” —Ricardo Serrano Denis, The Beat
“Anyone who loves sci-fi camp, whether or not you’re a wrestling fan, will find something to love here.” —C.K. Stewart, Newsarama

One of the things we’re passionate about, besides telling stories, are trading cards! Back in the 80s and 90s, we collected wrestling cards, so when the time came to create rewards for our Kickstarter, we couldn’t resist making some of our own, featuring characters from our book.
We’re going to feature two different series: one is a throwback to the 80s, when the industry was in its “rock ‘n’ wrestling era.”

Our second set is firmly planted in wrestling’s “attitude era” of the 90s, when most of our story takes place.

As with everything we do outside the comic, we’ve taken great pains to ensure that these cards add to the Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia lore—and while we may make other cards in the future, we won’t be printing these again, ever.
You can also get your hands on the official poster for the Galact-o-Massacre pay-per-view, featuring a Galactic Heavyweight title unification bout between “Rock ‘n’ Roll” Rory Landell and Manifest Destiny, the “One, True Galactic Champion.”