Nihil Negativum Vol 1
Beyond Darkness
Zeke is one of the many Janitors of the Other World. Tasked with the gruesome job of picking up the pieces and mopping the blood after the monsters are done taking care of any and all the unlucky humans that fall into this place. It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it, and Zeke would really, Really like not to. But there’s no choice. He is assigned to this job and there’s no moving up that corporate ladder. He has been here for decades, maybe centuries, trapped forever in eternity, and he knows it. For him, that’s the real nightmare.
Death has many ways to take care of the living: Peacefully and horrendously; from notable to pedestrian, but all inevitable. There’s also the Other World, a place made specifically to judge, torment and punish humans, making them disappear forever. It’s the place where all the monsters from your nightmares live, and they’re waiting for you.
By Mario A. Gonzalez
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 102
Print $18.11
Digital $2.00