Argo 5 Vol 1
The team faces aliens, demons, mythological deities and bad dates.
Collecting issues 0-5. Issue 3 was a multi-publisher dimension hopping crossover that included the talents of Bill Maus, Rich Bernatovech, Luciano Vecchio, Kevin McVeigh, Justin Leach, Jean Sinclair and Scott Jones. Colors were by Giuseppe Pica, Ross Campbell, Miguel Marques and Mary Regina Alcoque. Covers of these issues included in the trade were by Rick Mays, Brad Green, Franchesco! and MC Wyman. The pin-up section includes comic superstars Terry Dodson, Gene Ha, Tom Raney, Mike McKone, Louis Small Jr. and Rey Arzeno. The TPB cover by Kevin Sharpe has inks by Nelson Asencio and colors by Giuseppe Pica.
By Dan Sehn, Brad Green, Arley Tucker, Alex Garcia, Rafael Dantas Gomes, Felix Novaro Adrian, Miguel Marques
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 164
Print $30.00
Digital $9.99

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