Indy Comics Creator Con: Saturday March 15th

Indie Comics Creator Con (IC3) is on Saturday March 15th from 10 AM to 6 PM at Southern Connecticut State University, 345 Fitch St, New Haven, CT 06515.

IC3 is not just another comic book convention. It’s a ground-breaking event that uniquely focuses on creators and those who champion independent art and ideas. IC3 provides a dynamic and inclusive platform for independent artists, writers, and publishers to showcase their talents and connect with an engaged audience. This annual event, held at Southern Connecticut State University, celebrates the spirit of creativity, community, and camaraderie within the world of comics.

There will be over 175 comic book creators at IC3!

IC3 is produced by Comic Art Fans (CAF), the premiere website serving comic book and narrative art collectors, artists, auction houses, art dealers, and artist representatives worldwide.

Click here to purchase tickets!

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