I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah….)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Amazing Spider-Man # 79
Death of Doctor Strange # 3
Detective Comics # 1045
The Flash # 776
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop # 1
Hulk # 1
Radiant Black # 10
Superman ’78 # 4
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads # 5
Thor # 19

The Flash # 776– This issue took me by surprise as it features one of the most unique team-ups between The Flash and Doctor Fate as they embark on an adventure to The In-Between, which is a dimensional gateway filled with demonic forces and it’s up to the readers (Yes, you read that right- The readers) to help them out of this jam and while this feels like a gimmick from the 1970s, Jeremy Adams finds a way to make this feel innovative yet entertaining and I feel that after the creative liberties that were taken to make this issue happen, I only hope that someday, DC can find a way to make all of their titles more enjoyable like The Flash.

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop # 1– Kate Bishop returns in a new series by the creative team of writer Marieke Nijkamp and artist Enid Balam and this is without a doubt a fun read as this creative team set out to do two things-reintroduce Kate Bishop and set her on a new path with they succeeded with flying colors. Right off the bat, this issue mixes in super-heroics with any detective series that you might enjoy; I enjoy the fact that both Nijkamp and Balam gave us a perfect characterization of Kate that will remind anyone of the way she was portrayed when Matt Fraction and David Aja were working on Hawkeye back in 2012; For anyone who’s a Kate Bishop fan, this series is a wonderful way to get hooked on her new ventures all while remembering the personality traits that made her cool.

Hulk # 1-Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley come aboard to usher in a new era for Marvel’s # 1 jade giant; The Hulk is by far one of the most powerful yet dangerous figures in the Marvel Universe, but with Bruce Banner’s intellect….he’s more dangerous than ever, especially now that he’s in full control of the Hulk’s rage. Cates is one of the most celebrated writers out there that can build a new direction for a character and bring them to new heights (Venom and The Silver Surfer comes to mind) and with Hulk, he pulls out all the stops and delivers a great story full of brutality and hi-technology that helps balance it to great effect; Ryan Ottley brings a dynamic flair to this title that brings everything Cates puts into his script to life and stands out with his amazing visuals.
With “Immortal Hulk” Al Ewing and Joe Bennett brought back the horror elements that defined the Hulk, but with this new series, Cates and Ottley bring us a direction that will excite Hulk fans everywhere….and at the same time, frighten them.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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