*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 77
ANT # 1
Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target # 1
Black Widow # 12
Daredevil # 35
Detective Comics # 1044
Ice Cream Man # 26
King Spawn # 3
Moon Knight # 4
Wonder Girl # 4
Amazing Spider-Man # 77– I have to say, I’m extremely impressed at how Kelly Thompson and Sara Pichelli kept things rolling along quite nicely since the past two issues; From putting some of the spotlights on the Beyond Corporation to Ben continuing to be the best Spider-Man he can be, This is turning out to be one of the greatest stories to come out of ASM and you’ll be shocked by the ending of this issue (**NO SPOILERS**); Even with the pacing of this issue moving fast and furious (No pun intended), this new era for Ben Reilly looks to be a winner.
ANT # 1– Erik Larson continues the adventures of Hannah Washington aka ANT after buying the rights to the character from creator Mario Gully. Right off the bat, Larson does good by the character by delivering a true origin story which suits ANT even though I feel like her villains are somewhat on the silly side (I mean, “Randy Dandy” and “Half-Black”?!?- REALLY?!?!); Larson’s writing in this series tends to blend in some elements of the 1990s while utilizing some Frank Miller-esque caption boxes for good measure (The jury’s still out on that!); ANT will no doubt entertain any superhero fanatic and hopefully bring back the fans that were introduced to the character’s earliest series but got disillusioned by the scattered directions it took.
Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target # 1– Aquaman and Green Arrow! It may sound like one of the most mismatched team-ups in DC history but believe it or not………it turned out to be a hit, mainly because we get to see the personalities bounce off one another. With the organization known as Scorpio somehow altering the timeline while looking for some artifacts, Aquaman and Green Arrow switch identities to great effect and it brings a fun balance to this series, which will bring in some readers. While these two well-known characters currently do not have their own series at the moment, it’s very great to see them back, and to have them team-up against a common enemy makes this a series worth checking out, I know it’s not exactly “Green Lantern/Green Arrow” but it’s off to a terrific start.
Ice Cream Man # 26– First off, I love how this issue is presented sideways and we meet a guy named Michael who shows the readers a history of substance abuse within his family tree and how it affects him throughout his life. This issue does not have any shock value like the past few issues but it does keep you intrigued all while making you wonder what comes next. Another solid issue of “Ice Cream Man” that will send chills down your spine after delivering an amazing story.
Well, that’s it for me. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.