I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah….)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Action Comics # 1033
Amazing Fantasy # 1
Amazing Spider-Man # 71
Batman/Superman # 20
Black Widow # 9
Daredevil # 32
Detective Comics # 1040
Fantastic Four # 34
Harley Quinn # 5
Icon & Rocket: Season One # 1
Static: Season One # 2
Strange Adventures # 11
Superman: Son of Kal-El # 1
Symbiotic Spider-Man: Crossroads # 1
Teen Titans Academy # 5
United States of Captain America # 2

Amazing Fantasy # 1– Red Room-era Black Widow, World War II Captain America, and Teenage Spider-Man are suddenly transported to an island full of mystery and darkness and this was a very entertaining issue that will captivate anyone’s imagination and I do feel like it has a wonderful “Amazing Stories” vibe to it that will instantly draw readers to this; Kaare Andrews has proven once again that he’s a master storyteller and his pacing and artwork shows just that, and be ready for the jaw-dropping surprise at the end of this issue (**NO SPOILERS**); This series is a perfect love letter to the good old days of Marvel which sadly doesn’t exist anymore, but with Andrews giving us a solid project like this, it’s fun to be a comic book fan.

Fantastic Four # 34– The fallout of Johnny’s one-night stand with Victorious on the eve of her wedding to Doctor Doom is definitely highlighted here at the end of “The Bride of Doom”: And the most disappointing thing about this issue is that in my opinion is that once again, something happens to a FF member that leaves them scarred for life (Or until the next big FF arc comes around),
and this case, it’s Johnny that get the short end of the stick due to a weapon of defense called “The Armageddon” (Yeah I know, the name sounds extremely silly) that fires a laser that ends up hitting Johnny, leaving him a (**NO SPOILERS**); And with that, I don’t feel like this lastest predicament is a huge deal since it’s been done so many times, plus the fact that Dan Slott does absolutely nothing to redeem Victorious but instead, has her remaining as a complete bootlicker that will do anything to stay on Doom’s good side. “The Bride of Doom” could have been a great FF arc for the ages if it wasn’t for the developments of this issue. Maybe Slott will aim higher for his next arc instead of just missing by a mile and thinking it’s okay to do so.

Icon & Rocket: Season One # 1– I had such high hopes for this series to kick off with a huge bang but instead……I felt it was completely boring. It felt like a chore to read this issue because of the fact that the whole origin story of Icon and Rocket meeting him for the first time is being redone and it’s such a drag, I know that this series needs to appeal to a whole new audience that’s never heard of Milestone, but this first issue was a letdown. Reginald Hudlin’s writing was packed with joy and brilliance during his runs on “Black Panther” and “Marvel Knights: Spider-Man” back in the mid-2000s so it’s very heartbreaking to see that his A-Game wasn’t implemented here, Doug Braithwaite’s artwork, however, is still magnificent no matter what so no nitpicking here. I guess that things will pick up in the next issue. Better luck next time!

Superman: Son of Kal-El # 1– When I first heard that Jon Kent, the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane would be taking on the mantle of Superman, at first there were some mixed emotions on my part as I felt that DC is just doing this as an excuse to cash in, but as soon as I heard about the creative team of Tom Taylor and John Timms on board, I was sold on their vision and it looks like an absolute winner. Seeing Jon live up to his father’s reputation as well as make his own mark as a hero makes for a terrific read that will satisfy any Superman fan thanks in part to Taylor’s sharp writing and Timms’ art (This is by far some of the best artwork from him by a mile); Yes, it looks like Clark Kent is out of the picture but what he represented is still there in Jon so just give this series a chance because Son of Kal-El has not only given us a new Superman but one that’s heroic and human. It going to make you wish that the writers of “Superman & Lois” would adapt this kind of stellar storytelling to their show.

Symbiotic Spider-Man: Crossroads # 1– Peter David and Greg Land return for yet another untold tale of Spider-Man during this period of wearing the symbiote costume and I like how The Hulk is thrown in for good measure, making this a wild rollercoaster for Spidey to be on as during that era, The then-brutal and extremely savage Hulk was banished to The Crossroads Dimension courtesy of Doctor Strange thanks in part to the events from Incredible Hulk # 300 and this is by far one of the most creative and joyful concepts to come out of the Symbiotic Spider-Man franchise; With David’s extensive knowledge of The Marvel Universe and Greg Land clearly having a blast on art, the action and intensity are never watered down nor does it get complacent to recycling the same story over and over which is an absolute plus. “Crossroads” is the Spider-Man comic that should be on your pull list and is a perfect reminder of how cool Marvel was during the 1980s.
Well, that’s it for me. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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