*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 70
Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 2
Avengers # 46
Firepower # 13
Geiger # 4
Immortal Hulk # 48
Nocterra # 5
Ordinary Gods # 1
Ultraman: The Trials Of Ultraman # 4
Wonder Girl # 2
X-Men # 1
Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 2– The next installment of Marvel’s “Infinite Destinies” crossovers sees Spidey face-to-face with Star (Who some may recognize from her appearances from “Captain Marvel”) who’s using her power of warping reality to dish out revenge against some of the people who tormented her in High School. This ASM annual is entertaining but I do feel strongly that Karla Pacheco (The writer of this annual) basically decided to use some unused elements from her Spider-Woman run and apply them to this annual so, with this story, you definitely have to take it with a grain of salt because it comes off more like a story with Star getting the spotlight with Spider-Man as a guest-star, so in my opinion, if Marvel wants to bring back to the glory days of doing crossovers in their annuals, then maybe they should start by making them fun again and a little more coordination between the various creative team might help as well.
Firepower # 13– After the crazy adventure they had during this book’s first year, I like the concept of The Johnson family trying to resume their everyday lives, and seeing them use their fighting abilities is extremely creative. With the Kung-Fu elements blending in perfectly with the family dynamic of The Johnson (Better not use the phrase “Family” that much or else I’ll suffer the same fate as those Vin Diesel memes), seeing what will develop during this book’s second year will be a joyous occasion.
Ordinary Gods # 1– Kyle Higgins isn’t a good writer. He’s a fantastic writer. There, I said it. And now with his innovative storytelling being the focal point for his superhero stories he turns his attention to a story that chronicles five gods that are forced into a cycle of death and reincarnation. So far, I absolutely love where this concept is going as the originality of this story is by far a flat-out masterpiece and doesn’t even try to copy “Game of Thrones”; For anybody who is a fan of “God Country” then give Ordinary Gods a try. Its action, suspense, and drama all rolled into one and it’s done very well.
X-Men # 1– While the Johnathan Hickman era didn’t bring me any joy, I’m very happy to announce that we finally get an X-Men series that brings the team back to its core roots- The action, the drama that Chris Claremont was known for and of course, an X-Men team that looks really cool (Love seeing Synch of Generation X fame on the team); And did I mention they even live in a high-tech treehouse smack dab in NYC (Oh yeah…’s true!); Gerry Dugan and Pepe Larraz really deliver big time in terms of connecting the X-Men back into the world as well as the visuals that accompany the story, but even though some factors of Hickman’s run remain, I do love the fact that there’s now a new X-Men series that doesn’t rely on the Krakoa setting to tell a story but puts everyone’s favorite mutants back in the mix of The Marvel Universe.
Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.