I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 45
Batman/Superman # 10
Doctor Tomorrow # 4
Empyre: Captain America # 1
Iron Man 2020 # 5
Marvel Action Spider-Man # 3
Spider-Man Noir # 2
Star Wars: Darth Vader # 3
Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality # 5
Wonder Woman # 759
Amazing Spider-Man # 45- WOW!! Now, this is a perfect way to kick off an arc!! First off, I would like it to say that it’s great to see the legendary Mark Bagley back on ASM and second, the pairing of both Bagley and Nick Spencer seems like a definite home run as the two of them deliver a very flawless opening of the “Sins Rising” arc; Seeing Spidey face-to-face with the Sin Eater will send chills up anyone’s spine and I enjoyed Bagley’s attention to detail as well as his action sequences (The latter leaps off the pages), And Spencer’s script just captivates you from beginning to end of this issue so this is a big win for ASM and it will get everyone pumped into checking the remanding chapters of this arc.
Empyre: Captain America # 1- This was a great tie into “Empyre” and while it was disappointing to see that Cap didn’t get any screen time it was great to see him team up with some various soldiers of the army and the special itself had that weird and quirky 1950’s sci-fi feel to it (“Salad People”- Funny huh?!) so this Empyre tie-in is worth checking out, especially since the story will pick up in the following issue.
Iron Man 2020 # 5- When I first started reading this title I knew in the back of my mind that Tony Stark would be back and this issue gave us just that, and I liked how Tony’s presence here help balanced out Arno Stark’s “Evil Genius” gimmick and I felt that whole part was well written (I mean, Dan Slott did have Christos Gage as a co-writer) and I just enjoyed how most of the issue felt with Tony’s return (**NO SPOILERS**); So I’m looking forward to what comes next.
Wonder Woman # 759- The creative team of Mariko Tamaki & Mikel Janin is on board to usher in a new era for Wonder Woman and after reading the issue, I LOVED IT! Every page I read made me a Wonder Woman fan all over again and I like how Tamaki’s script showed Diana outside of her responsibilities as a public figure. Plus, you’ll get a kick out of the villain of this arc (WW84 fans will shriek with joy). And Janin’s artwork shines as it’s his best work since his days on “Batman”; So with that, I can gladly say that Wonder Woman is indeed in good hands with Tamaki and Janin steering the ship.
Whelp, that’s it for me. I’ll be back next Wednesday so thanks for sticking around and I’ll see you all next time.

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