*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Action Comics # 1029

Alien # 1

Amazing Spider-Man # 62

Batman/Superman # 16

Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn # 6

Detective Comics # 1034

Excalibur # 19

Future State: Teen Titans- Ruins # 1

HAHA # 3

Harley Quinn # 1

Maestro: War & Pax # 3

Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 24

Teen Titans Academy # 1

Alien # 1– THE XENOMORPHS HAVE ARRIVED AT MARVEL!! One of the most recognizable sci-fi franchise returns and after reading this, I have to say that this is a good read, mainly because it does a fantastic job of taking the horror factor and bringing suspense to the story which works well within these pages. Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Salvador Larocca have outdone themselves in bringing this franchise to a new audience as well as making fans of the movie trilogies very happy, and I think it’s safe to say that with this series we don’t need to wait on a big Hollywood reboot to give us an Alien story when Marvel have us covered.
Amazing Spider-Man # 62– Following the events of Peter Parker getting a new costume so that he can be a social media influencer, the action in this story really ramps up and the whole “Buddy Cop” element that features Spidey and Boomerang comes into play, and while I find this paring odd it’s also fun to watch. Plus Spidey’s new costume comes off as very exciting due to Patrick Gleason’s slick artwork and I’m only hoping that this arc should definitely be extended due to how wonderful it is.
Batman/Superman # 16– Gene Luen Yang and Ivan Reis come aboard as the new creative team and they already made an impact where both The Man of Steel and The Dark Knight find themselves in a Golden Age setting which blends in elements of old Hollywood and I think that’s a wonderful thing because it opens this series up to give us, the readers, some great stories and to try something totally different, therefore making Batman/Superman a must-read title.
HAHA, # 3– This series continues to be a big hit in terms of such amazing storytelling as we meet a mime who’s down on his luck until he meets a robot who quickly becomes fast friends with the mime until the laboratory that created him wants its property back; What’s so unique about this story is that it’s a Buster Keaton movie meets “The Iron Giant” meets “Tales From The Crypt” and if you’re like me, then you’ll enjoy every moment of this story. HAHA does a great job of blending horror with dark comedy and that’s something to look forward to when picking up this title.
Harley Quinn # 1– Harley Quinn returns to Gotham to start a new life and to gain Batman’s trust; Seeing Harley in a grim & gritty setting is a very cool thing to see and I like how her heroic side is one again on display all while continuing to see her grow as a character; Stephanie Phillips’ script brings Harley’s world to life. From her interactions with Batman to duking it out with the bad guys, all of these things come off as vibrant but Riley Rossamo’s artwork needs some fine-tuning in favor of the animated MTV style art the accompanies this series. This series may have some flaws in the artwork but with Stephanie Phillips on board, Harley has another bright future with this new series.
Teen Titans Academy # 1– This new series not only brings The Teen Titans back in the limelight but at the same time, gives us a fresh concept in which the Titans become mentors to a new generation of young teen heroes, it’s like the Lee/Kirby “X-Men” era meets “Avengers Academy” and seeing the veteran Titans mix with the new heroes is another sensational chapter for The Teen Titans all while reminding us that they are, and always will be, the teen sensations of the DC Universe.
Well, that’s it for me. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.
About Author
I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)