I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10 *

Avengers # 41
Batman/Catwoman # 2
Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman # 1
Future State: The Next Batman # 2
Future State: Nightwing # 1
Future State: Shazam # 1
Future State: Superman: Worlds At War # 1
Iron Fist: Heart Of The Dragon # 1
King In Black # 3
Maestro: War & Pax # 1
Rorschach # 4
Thor # 11

Avengers # 41– The stakes are raised even higher in this latest installment of “Enter The Phoenix” as the global tournament to decide who will wield the power of the Phoenix Force kicks and the whole “Mortal Kombat” concept is done so well you could forget it’s an Avengers story, not a Capcom game come to life via comic form, I especially liked the appearance of a certain character who made a cameo appearance (Hint: He was in a movie produced by George Lucas); And the fact that Jason Aaron has made T’Challa the heart and soul of the team will really have in falling in love with this title, and this is by far one of the best Avengers arcs to ever see print.

Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman # 1– This was a Future State title that I enjoyed immensely; Diana Prince as an immortal racing to stop the world from ending as well as being engaged in a battle with Darkseid; The story itself will instantly draw you in as you feel Diana’s pain of being alive for a few more centuries with all of her friends gone. Plus with the mixture of both action and fantasy this series is absolutely amazing; The Nubia backup story is good but I felt it could have been relegated to its own title, but Immortal Wonder Woman is such a strong entry to the Future State series it could definitely have its own title.

Future State: Nightwing # 1– Another fun Future State story that will keep you intrigued from beginning to end; From Dick Grayson’s non-stop battles with The Magistrate to meeting up with The New Batman, this future Nightwing story really amps up the action as well as the emotional aspects; I particularly like how Dick is operating out of an abandoned Arkham Asylum but for those who enjoyed every Dick Grayson adventures since the beginning of his solo series, then “Future State: Nightwing” will give you a story worthy of your time.

Future State: Superman: Worlds Of War # 1– While the cover itself gives off a “John Carter: Warlord of Mars” vibe, the opening story doesn’t give us that, instead we get a story featuring a young woman named Sadie who shows up in Smallville where it’s now a tourist attraction/worship center that celebrates The Man of Steel and a forum of Superman fans tell their experience of seeing or meeting Kal-El; Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s script is so well-finessed all while showing such great respect for the myth of Superman it’s no wonder why he’s following Brian Michael Bendis on the Super-Titles and Mikel Janin’s artwork really takes the idea of Superman being stuck on Warworld and blends in the sci-fi pulp to perfection, so I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Iron Fist: Heart Of The Dragon # 1– Zombie Armies! Mythical Portals! The Taskmaster! Not to mention some great Kung-Fu action scenes! All of these elements make for a wonderful Iron Fist story as Larry Hama does not disappoint and he never puts his foot on the break; Iron Fist fans everywhere will be very delighted by this series and I’m hoping that Marvel will give Hama more assignments that showcases his excellent creativity.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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