*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man #54.LR

Batman Beyond # 50

Batman/Superman # 15

Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn # 3

Black Adam: Endless Winter Special # 1

Detective Comics # 1033

Doctor Doom # 10

Excalibur # 16

Justice League Dark # 29

King In Black # 2

King-Size Conan # 1

Maestro # 5

Sea Of Stars # 8

Spider-Woman # 7

Undiscovered Country # 11

Wonder Woman # 769

X-O Manowar # 3

Batman Beyond # 50– It’s always sad when a series comes to an end, especially when DC first announced their wave of books they were and Batman Beyond was one of the books scheduled to be canceled but after reading this issue, I’m proud to say that both Dan Jurgens and Sean Chen did a remarkable job of bringing down the curtain on this series, such as giving us a tremendous team-up with Wonder Woman (Even in the future, she doesn’t age) and featuring longtime BB villain Inque in a battle for the ages; While it sucks we won’t be getting issue # 51 and beyond (No pun intended), this was the perfect sendoff for Batman Beyond and hoping that the series will come back someday.
Detective Comics # 1033– It looks like this issue is the last for Peter J. Tomasi for the time being, but this was another series that saw its storyline wrap up with finesse and such glory, from Batman’s confrontation with Hush to his heart-to-heart with Damian (Even at the beginning at this issue I thought we were going to get a Batman & Robin reunion between the two of them) and seeing Bruce Wayne finally closing a chapter in his life (Due to the events of “Joker War), Tomasi really showed what a terrific writer he is; Plus I did enjoy Brad Walker and Andrew Hennessy’s artwork as they returned to hope Tomasi being his run to an end, but with “Future State” looming around the corner, we can only wish what could have been if Tomasi was able to continue his run, but thanks to his timeless stories you can definitely see why Detective is one of DC’s most celebrated title.
King In Black # 2– This issue focuses on Spidey and The Avengers’ fallout from Knull’s first wave of assault, which really sets the tone for the heroes to achieve victory all while licking their wounds, plus you will be shocked by the last page (**NO SPOILERS**) and this series is really starting to heat up so it’s going to be great to see what comes next.
King-Size Conan # 1– This is a wonderful way to celebrate 50 years of Pop Culture’s favorite barbarian; And I thought it was cool to see some of the biggest creative minds come together to tell such larger than life stories featuring the five stages of Conan- From The Barbarian and The Thief to The Mercenary, The Avenger and The Corsair, it was just amazing to see such names as Roy Thomas (Who set the stage for Conan’s adventures from the 1970s), to Kurt Busiek, Chris Claremont and Kevin Eastman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator) and even Steven S. DeKnight (The former showrunner of Marvel/Netflix’s Daredevil series) delivering such great stories, there’s something for any Conan fan to digest and hopefully we’ll get King-Size Conan # 2
Maestro # 5– The conclusion to this series really hit all the elements and set up the timeless “Future Imperfect” series as the fate of Hercules to the final face-to-face confrontation between Hulk and Rick Jones were incredible elements in this story that gave it such flair and even though we’re getting a follow-up to this series in the new year, Maestro is, and always will be, a brilliant chapter in Peter David’s monumental run.
Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I hope everyone has a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. I’ll see you all next time.
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I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)