*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Absolute Superman # 5
Action Comics # 1084
Amazing Spider-Man # 69
Assorted Crisis Events # 1
Aquaman # 3
Batman & Robin # 19
Detective Comics # 31 (Facsimile Edition)
Flash Gordon # 7
Geiger # 12
Green Lantern Corps # 2
Phoenix # 9
Redcoat # 10
X-Factor # 8
X-Men # 13
Absolute Superman #5 – This latest issue of “Absolute Superman” not only wraps up the first arc but also unveils the fall of Krypton in a soul-shattering way that has never been done before. Its demise, however, has an unsurpassable effect on Superman’s view of the world and his place in it, making this a wonderful character study. Additionally, it explores themes of loss and isolation that are fleshed out in the present. It’s spectacular how Jason Aaron manages to display both the positive and negative aspects of Kryptonian life, showcasing the wonders of their scientific background while also presenting the chilling themes of greed and chaos that contributed heavily to the planet’s destruction. Though the ending is brutal to witness, the loss is felt in those final pages. While this issue may have fallen short of action, it’s the dramatic elements that elevate it to one of the best issues (perhaps the best of 2025). Truly, this is the best Superman comic to date, and this issue is a significant reason for that.
Amazing Spider-Man #69 – The penultimate issue of “The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man” brings epic moments and gripping drama that examines the themes of love and death to great heights. What’s intriguing is that both Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness return to wrap up this arc without missing a beat. Even though this arc has had its share of ups and downs, it saves the best for last when it comes to the action sequences. Not to mention, Kelly’s writing remains as strong as ever. Spidey’s resurrection, while somewhat predictable and laughable, serves as a truly heroic moment, which is one redeeming aspect. This issue also effectively reminds readers why Spider-Man is considered one of the most compassionate heroes, setting the stage for a dramatic conclusion that will ensure this arc ends on a high note.
Redcoat #10 – Simon Pure’s journey through American history continues to be a brilliant concept for this title, especially with his meeting with famed sharpshooter Annie Oakley. The narrative excels when it places the two of them in dangerous scenarios, where Simon tries his best to impress Annie, showcasing how Geoff Johns has fun establishing Simon’s charming personality. This issue is not afraid to be lighthearted and provides another example of Simon’s heroism, even if he is unsure of his actions most of the time. Johns effectively highlights Simon’s flaws, allowing readers to understand his methods with ease. The chemistry between Simon and Annie is whimsical without ever feeling sappy. Undoubtedly, it ranks as one of Simon Pure’s most fascinating team-ups to date. Redcoat stands out as one of the most compelling and entertaining titles from the Ghost Machine imprint, and with the upcoming appearance of The Northerner right around the corner, this title is making American history exciting in a way that has never been done before.
Well, that’s it for me this week, Thanks for sticking around, and I look forward to seeing you all next time.