I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Batman # 152
Daredevil # 13
Exceptional X-Men # 1
Free Agents # 3
Marvel & Disney: What If…? Donald Duck Became The Mighty Thor # 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 24
Moon Knight Annual # 1
The Spectacular Spider-Men # 7
Spider-Boy # 11
Ultimates # 4
Venom War: Spider-Man # 2

Exceptional X-Men # 1– Kitty Pryde returns in this new X-series that finds her doing her best to lead a normal life post-Krakoa but after saving the life of a young mutant girl, she suddenly finds herself drawn back into the same life she wanted to leave behind; While there is minimal action taking place within the pages of this issue, it does explore Kitty’s past and present to great effect that I feel most people can relate to and the eventual showdown with frenemy Emma Frost will be explosive since the last few pages of this title set that up to perfection (**NO SPOILERS**); Yes, the tone from this issue might have shifted to a mid-2000s drama from the WB to a low-budget action movie but given time, I feel that this title has the potential to grow and possibly be one of the brighter titles to come out of the “From The Ashes” relaunch, it just needs to find the right balance of action and drama to do so.

Marvel & Disney: What If…? Donald Duck Became The Mighty Thor # 1 – Another whimsical collaboration between Marvel and Disney that retells the origin of Thor but with Donald Duck as the central figure. Right away, the creative team of Steve Behling & Riccardo Secchi had a ball doing this one-shot as they took all of the dramatics and action displayed back in Journey Into Mystery #83 and brought the usual Disney flair to which in turn brought out the lightheartedness as well as the comical moments such as Donald picking up Mjolnir and holding his own against the Stone Ducks. Another bright observation I should point out is that Donald being himself while possessing the power of Thor is just a joy to observe and will be appreciated by both Marvel and Disney fans alike. This one-shot may not be a reinvention of the Silver-Age era of heroes but it’s a fun story that doesn’t try to insult the mythos of Thor but gives it a great homage for the ages.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 24– For the most part this series continues to deal with the after-effects from “Blood Hunt” as Miles tries to struggle with being a vampire, now he has to go up against The Vulture; Cody Ziglar adds the right balance of action and teen angst to his script while still having to address the whole “Miles is a Vampire” situation but thankfully, it looks to be at its end (**NO SPOILERS**) and what makes this issue intriguing is Miles’ battle with The Vulture that comes off as energetic yet brutal due to Miles fighting off his bloodlust while The Vulture gets a lot of depth that most Spider-writers have not done to the character in past years. Overall, this issue is a solid read that highlights why this series continues to thrive thanks in part to its all-star creative team and a renewed focus on keeping Miles’ status quo fresh and innovative.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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