I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah….)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Action Comics # 1068
Amazing Spider-Man # 55
Defenders of the Earth # 1
From The DC Vault- Death In The Family: Robin Lives! # 2
Jonny Quest # 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 23
Sensational She-Hulk # 10
Spider-Society # 1
Ultraman x Avengers # 1
Venom War: Spider-Man # 1
The Ultimates # 3
X-Factor # 1
X-Men # 2

Jonny Quest # 1– Launching out of the prelude story in this year’s Free Comic Book Day release, this action-packed new title begins where the show left off in 1964 as Jonny and the team find themselves forward in time that in turn, puts these iconic characters in a situation that looks grim but the surprises along the way help in making sure this is a good read. Written by Joe Casey, it manages to make Jonny and the rest of the gang feel more alive than ever where the essence of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon lingers within each page, and I should point out that artist Sebastion Pritz really highlights the fun and energetic factor with each panel. While this issue has some aspects of nostalgia lingering around, it finds a way to bring something new to the table, making looking forward to the next issue all the more exciting.

Sensational She-Hulk # 10– Rainbow Rowell and Andres Genolet bring the curtain down on their She-Hulk run that manages to balance Jen Walter’s work life, her status as an Avenger as well as her relationship with Jack Of Hearts (That relationship was by far the most charming element of this entire series) all get some much-needed closure that gives Jen the happy ending she deserves while leaving room for possible storylines if she even gets another series (Only time will tell); Reading this issue will leave any reader heartbroken that this series is coming to a close but thanks to Rowell’s sharp writing as well as delivering such memorable moments from these past nine issues, we should see this finale as a ‘see ya later’ moment more than a goodbye because it’s another era of She-Hulk that will be remembered with fondness and joy.

Ultraman x Avengers # 1– It’s a great thing to see Marvel get back in the crossover game and this series really highlights the larger-than-life elements and the overall thrilling sensation that makes this a fun read while giving us such fun moments such as Miles Morales interacting with the Ultraman supporting cast (Which fell very stiff and odd, to say the least) as well as the latter himself making a grand appearance are the many examples of a crossover such as this one that makes a lasting impression in its debut and while it may not be to anyone’s liking, it’s great to know that Ultraman is in good hands at Marvel.

Venom War: Spider-Man # 1– Yes, Peter Parker is reunited with the alien symbiote but this time, it is a reunion that looks to be a marriage made in heaven; Writers Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing bring an 80s-level nostalgia to their script that makes it impossible to dislike any aspects of this debut issue (The multiple Hobgoblins are a great touch) and the renewed chemistry between Peter and the symbiote never comes off as being too sappy nor overbearing but adds a new wrinkle in Peter’s complicated history with the latter that makes this series worthwhile but it also adds as a great companion piece to Venom War.

X-Factor # 1– X-Factor returns thanks to the “From The Ashes” relaunch that looks to recapture the spirit of the Peter David/Larry Stroman era of the early 90s by bringing back the concept of a government-backed mutant team, with Warren Worthington III aka The Angel taking Havok’s place to much fanfare but while I’m all for giving Mark Russell’s writing a chance I can honestly say that he’s no Peter David despite the goodwill he brings to this debut because it borrows the Mutant heroes mixed in with the celebrity/reality tv culture with some elements of the social media elements that brings a very strong presence, it actually feels like a more restrained version of the Peter Milligan/Mike Allred run on “X-Statix” to where Russell is at his best when it comes to taking the satirical thread and putting it to good use it sometimes misses the mark when it comes to being shape and witty but while this debut issue may be a mixed bag for X-Factor fans, it still looks like it could be enjoyable as the series progresses but only if Russell remembers to bring his A-game.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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