*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 52

Amazing Spider-Man # 52.LR

Detective Comics # 1030

Excalibur # 14

Flash # 765

Hawkman # 29

Iron Man # 3

Kick Ass vs Hit-Girl # 1

Marvel Zombies Resurrection # 4

Power Rangers # 1

Punchline Special # 1

Star Wars Darth Vader # 7

Wonder Woman # 766

X-Men # 4 (Facsimile Edition)

Amazing Spider-Man # 52– I really enjoyed this issue from beginning to end as we see Spidey finally confronts Kindred as the dark and moody setting that accompany this issue fits perfectly, making this an arc that’s never been done before in Marvel’s flagship title and the results are completely flawless; And believe me when I say that you’ll. be shocked by the ending (**NO SPOILERS**) which may or may not result in jaws hitting the floor but ASM has once again established itself as being the pride and joy of Marvel.
Hawkman # 29– Now this is something I wish I would never have to type out but yes…..this is the very last issue of Hawkman and it just breaks my heart as Robert Venditti produced some of the best stories in his career and bringing back a character such as Hawkman in the limelight may have been a difficult task for some writers but I do feel like DC is making a HUGE MISTAKE in canceling this title because Venditti could have given us some more wonderful stories but these 29 issues serve as a fantastic gateway for any Hawkman fan who loves pulp-like action and excitement in their stories.
Iron Man # 3– I’m really loving this new take on I.M. where Tony Stark is having to deal with being a more down-to-earth individual rather than the rich playboy we’ve known him to be; And it’s refreshing to see Tony having to actually apologize for being Iron Man in a world that may not need him and with that kind of soul searching and deep characterization that will have anyone enjoy Iron Man for the first time; plus old-school Avengers fan will get a kick out of the villain (** NO SPOILERS**) for this arc, so be ready to remember this new I.M. as a great read.
Kick-Ass vs Hit Girl # 1– This is a great way to kick off a new story arc for Kick-Ass and Steve Niles and Marcelo Frusion deliver what could be a potential blockbuster, bringing together two of the most popular creations that Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. envisioned but the set-up for this issue is the one that will catch anyone’s eye as Patience Lee is still operating as Kick-Ass after dealing with the aftermath of killing her sister’s husband, who blackmailed her when he found out about her Kick-Ass identity, And the series still maintains its bloody and gory vibe that makes it so great, and while we didn’t get to see Patience and Mindy meet face-to-face (Probably next issue) I feel like this series is going to be another great chapter in the lives of both Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl.
Power Rangers # 1– WOW!! Ryan Parrott is once again shaping the Power Rangers world with this new series as part of the original Rangers- Jason, Zack, and Trini (Now known as The Omega Rangers) need the help of Lord Drakkon to combat a cosmic threat that’s too big for the three of them to handle; This story was a thrill to read, Parrott’s scripting is so well-paced and filled with drama and action that it makes this series an absolute fan-favorite and Francesco Mortarino’s artwork will just blow you away as after reading this, Mortarino is officially a force to be reckoned with; This is a series you definitely want to check out.
Punchline Special # 1– After her breakout role in “Joker War”, Punchline gets her own special and I really enjoyed seeing her background get explored and how her actions impact the lives of Leslie Thompkins, Harper Row, and her brother Cullen Row; After reading this, some might say that Punchline’s origin mirrors Harley Quinn’s own origin- Two women who are infatuated by the ideology of a madman like The Joker but in this instance, Punchline comes off as someone who doesn’t have a conscience but has truly embraced the evil inside her so that’s something that will hook the readers in and it was great that Batman wasn’t one of the key characters in the special, keeping the focus squarely on Punchline and I can’t wait for the huge plans DC has for her.
X-Men # 4 (Facsimile Edition)- Loved reading this and its wonderful edition for anyone’s collection so with that I can honestly say- Thank god for Facsimile Editions!
Well, that’s it for me. I’ll be back next week so thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.
About Author
I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)