I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah….)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Crashdown # 1
Daredevil: Black Armor # 3
Detective Comics # 1081
The Flash # 5
Ghost Machine # 1
Green Arrow # 8
Immortal Thor # 6
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers # 116
Miguel O’Hara: Spider-Man 2099 # 4
The Superior Spider-Man # 3

Crashdown # 1– Tom Garcia and Ryan Sargeant, the hosts of the Comic Tom 101 YouTube Channel join forces with legendary horror artist Ben Templesmith (of “30 Days of Night” fame) for this three-issue story of suspense and survival that’s basically “Lost” meets “Alien” while giving us a story about earth’s final days. The Earth is dead so humanity’s last hope is the distant planet EMPYREAN and the ship full of colonists ready to repopulate our civilization. I was introduced to Comic Tom 101 by my good friend Andy Cazares so it was quite a surprise to see that he has a comic on the shelves; Reading it, it offers quite a dark vision of a future that will send shivers down anyone’s spine but Garcia and Sargeant’s lavish creativity shines throughout each page while making sure Ben Templesmith has plenty to work with as this series plays to his strengths as an artist and the results are magnificent! Crashdown is worth your time for an intriguing Sci-Fi series to see how this unique concept plays out.

Ghost Machine # 1– The new imprint coming out of Image is served up as an anthology primer that showcases the new titles that will be gracing the shelves soon while putting the spotlight back on such favorites as “Geiger” and “Junkyard Joe”; A few characters stood out such as “Redcoat” and two new series from Peter J. Tomasi such as “The Rockefellers” (Think The Fantastic Four meets The Incredibles) and “Hornsby & Halo” that adds both angels and demons in a ‘nature vs nurture’ routine and let’s not forget “Rook Exodus” and “Hyde Street” that is sure to turn heads on to an imprint that looks to emphasize good storytelling; It looks like Ghost Machine is the imprint that will be electrifying year for Image Comics.

Miguel O’Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #4 – If you saw the cover, it looks like Terror Inc. has made his big comeback but what’s interesting about his appearance is that he’s the original deal and not another 2099 remix which makes this all more appealing and the callbacks to the numerous body parts he’s collected throughout time brings the cool factor to an all-time high; Yes, the whole “Hero vs. Anti-Hero” aspect is once again in full effect but i will give Steve Orlando credit for making sure it’s appealing and not heading into the direction of being boring so that’s a huge plus for him. Was it great to see Terror Inc. back?! Yes. I would like to see him in more of a team-up role rather than as the antagonist because it would make him more likable, especially for those who never grew up on his stories.

The Superior Spider-Man # 3– Looks like the superior wall-crawler is back in true form (Well, sort of) but it also makes good on the back-and-forth between Peter Parker and Otto Octavius that reminds readers why Dan Slott’s earlier Spider-Man stories were just fun for the sake of being fun (Although some aren’t fond of that era, so to speak); So far, the plot moves ahead with ease and Slott adds in many easter-eggs that any Spider-Man fan will love but the weirdest aspect of this issue?!- We ALMOST got a true Superior Spider-Man but it seems as if Slott gets joy out of giving readers a swerve with the ending (**NO SPOILERS**); This series may have its ups and downs but there is no denying that this issue was a blast to read and and let’s hope that Slott and Bagley can continue the momentum they established because I, for one, is rooting for this series to be a hit.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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