Avengers # 38

Amazing Spider-Man # 51.LR

Batman # 102

Batman: The Adventures Continues # 6

Black Widow # 3

Deadpool # 8

Firepower # 5

Justice League # 58

Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 20

Rise Of Ultraman # 3

Tales From The Dark Multiverse- Batman: Hush # 1

U.S. Agent # 1

Young Justice # 20

Batman # 102– This series continues to be a hit, basically because of the new status quo coming out of “Joker War”; Batman is now without his millions or his Batcave but he’s continuing his war on crime until a long-lost figure now known as The Ghostmaker shows up and takes issue with the way Batman operates; Now this I like, seeing two heroes duke it out to see who will be the hero Gotham deserves and its this kind of creativity that makes Batman a must-read title month after month and I’m hoping that Ghostmaker will be a character to remember.
Batman: The Adventures Continues # 6– I really enjoyed seeing Jason Todd’s last days as Robin with fresh eyes and anyone will enjoy seeing this version of “A Death In The Family” from an animated standpoint and yes, it was definitely will be liked by any Batman fan who like seeing some of the more memorable moments from Batman continuity be played out in this series.
Tales From The Dark Multiverse- Batman: Hush # 1– This alternate take on “Hush” which not only kicked off the modern era for Batman but gave us a story arc that almost everyone that enjoyed it gives it high praises; Seeing Tommy Elliot take center stage as the new hero of Gotham thanks to Talia al Ghul instead of becoming Hush was excellent and seeing Batman The Silenced is just flat-out cool! You’ll definitely get a kick out of this special and it’s safe to say that the whole “Tales From The Dark Multiverse” line is going a wonderful job of keeping the spirit of Elseworlds alive.
U.S. Agent– If you’re a Captain America fan then you’re familiar with John Walker, who was previously Superpatriot then taking over as Cap (And did things in a more brutal and savage way, things that Steve Rogers would never do); then becoming the U.S. Agent made him a character that everyone remembers, so with this issue, we see John as U.S. Agent, now operating as an independent contractor which puts him smack dab in the middle of a battle between a corporate giant and workers in a small town was a very interesting read and as always, Priest brings his usual style of storytelling to his series, which is just perfect and the artwork by Georges Jeanty really brings a rugged vibe that’s in sync with Priest’s script; So for any Captain America and U.S. Agent fans will find a lot to like about this series, from John Walker continuing to be Steve Rogers if he was a Curmudgeon to trying his best to be a hero, then give U.S. Agent a try. You won’t be sorry.
Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.
About Author
I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)