I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Batman # 138
Batman: The Adventures Continues: Season Three # 8
Birds Of Prey # 2
Black Panther # 5
Blue Beetle # 2
Detective Comics # 140 (Facsimile Edition)
Ghost Rider Annual # 1
The Rocketeer In The Den of Thieves # 3
Shazam! # 3
Strange Academy: Amazing Spider-Man # 1
Transformers # 1

Batman # 138– This forth installment of “The Gotham War” is basically a hot mess and it seems like Chip Zdarsky is just going through the motions until this “epic” wraps up and quite frankly, I feel like ehe could do so much with this arc instead of making it a convoluted mess, especially when you take into consideration the plot element of Batman imposing his will on Red Hood and duking it out with both Robin and Nightwing (This entire sequence really hits hard considering the history both of them share with Batman); While Vandal Savage and his daughter Scandal come off as the real MVPs of this issue, this arc is not worthy not anyone’s time and its best to skip it until Zdarsky recharges his batteries.

Detective Comics # 140 (Facsimile Edition)- Reprinting the first appearance of The Riddler and I like the whimsical factors presented within this issue because most of the plot elements worked perfectly for 1949 but today, they come off as goofy plus the backup features are entertaining that gave the readers more stories for their money. DC has been doing a great job of putting out with these facsimiles so let’s hope they continue to keep up the good work.

Ghost Rider Annual # 1- This annual features the return of The Hood as well as a guest appearance by Elsa Bloodstone truly makes for a great Halloween story that finds Benjamin Percy pulling out all of the stops while making this a dark story that will always be revisited by Ghost Rider fans for years to come. Danny Kim’s art along with the creepy factors that Percy highlighted in his script makes this a must read, especially given the fact that Halloween’s a few weeks away.

Strange Academy: Amazing Spider-Man # 1– This is an okay ending to the Strange Academy crossover even thought Spidey himself barely makes an appearance and Carlos Hernandez’s script goes overboard on the dialogue (It’s almost as if he tried to cram as much into his script as possible in order to conclude the crossover); Overall it does deliver on the magical aspects that makes Strange Academy such a stand out series but hopefully next time Marvel decides to have a Strange Academy crossover with some notable characters thrown in for good measure, let’s see if any of them will put in a full appearance instead of the numerous cameos.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around. I will see you all next time.

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