*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 50.L.R.

Batman # 101

Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn # 1

Conan The Barbarian # 15

Daredevil # 23

Excalibur # 13

Fantastic Four # 25

Iron Man # 2

Juggernaut # 2

Justice League # 55

Maestro # 2

Metal Men # 11

Nightwing # 75

Spider-Woman # 5

Teen Titans # 46

True Believers- Black Widow: Taskmaster # 1

Batman # 101– In the aftermath of “Joker War” Batman finds himself in a bold new direction where not only has Gotham City has changed but Batman has to change as well so I really like what James Tynion IV doing with this new arc, showing us that he’s not afraid to give us a Dark Knight that’s now coming to terms with his new status quo and that he’s ready to embrace it no matter how glum the situation is (**NO SPOILERS**); The appearance of Grifter (Of WildC.A.T.S. fame) was a real joy to see as he’s taking his role as Lucius Fox’s bodyguard very serious (After the events of “Joker War”, can you blame him for making sure he’s safe?!); I like the new era of Batman as Tynion begins another great arc full of surprises and instead of wishing for the old days to come back, it’s time to embrace change.
Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn # 1– This series puts the spotlight on Harley Quinn from The “White Knight” universe and already, the first issue shows great promise as Harley, now a mother of two, gets drawn back into the world of crime after a series of notable golden-age actors and actresses are being slain but with Batman in jail, it’s up to Harley to come out of retirement and help the Gotham P.D. solve these murders. I really enjoy this murder mystery and seeing a completely new side of Harley makes for a terrific story that will have any guide to their seats, plus I enjoyed the flashbacks with Harley and Jack Napier (In happier times) which really gives this series its charm so with that, I really have to say that this series is off to a great start and an absolute winner.
Daredevil # 23– I just really, really love what Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto are doing with this title as Matt Murdock gets his affairs in order and preparing for the trial of his life due to him accidentally killing a man at the start of Zdarsky’s run; From confronting The Kingpin to having a heart-to-heart with longtime friend Spider-Man are all moments that will stand out and It’s cool that Kirsten McDuffie, Matt’s former girlfriend from Mark Waid’s run is back so I’m going to love to see that dynamic get played out and be prepared for the ending (**NO SPOILERS**) which will shock anyone so it’s a great time to be a Daredevil fan.
Iron Man # 2– This series continues with Tony Stark trying his best to be the hero that everyone wants him to be and the emotional aspects of this book mixed in with the action sequences really help make this book special. I like the use of both The Absorbing Man and Cardiac but what I really enjoyed most of all is the use of Patsy Walker (Hellcat) and how she’s taking over for Rhodey and Pepper Potts as that friend that shows Tony tough love (Even during those time when he’s being reckless); The new “Back to Basics” approach by Christopher Cantwell and CAFU is really becoming a hit and soon it will rank very high on the list of great Iron Man runs.
Juggernaut # 2– The Juggernaut vs The Immortal Hulk! Sounds too good to be true and the fight sequences between these two behemoths were just astonishing! Fabian Nicieza and Ron Garney really pulled out all the stops here and seeing Cain Marko’s story of redemption is just really good. Another series to keep your eyes on if you ever get fatigued by the evens in the current X-Men titles.
Maestro # 2– I just found it hilarious that Hercules named himself The Maestro all while The Hulk is setting out to prove that he’s actually worthy of that title. What The Hulk builds to help keep things in order will shock you (**NO SPOILERS**) and I also love how the story itself teased another Hulk/Hercules smackdown and it makes me feel good that this series has gotten so popular that Marvel has ordered a sequel to this series and with Peter David firing on all cylinders due to his history with The Hulk, it’s going to be a sure hit.
Nightwing # 75– While I haven’t read Nightwing’s title for a while, I found this anniversary issue to be amazing! It’s cool that Dick Grayson has his memory back and I’m also fond of Dan Jurgens’ writing as he really gets to the heart and soul of who Nightwing really is and the appearance of The KGBeast really ties in the whole concept of Dick’s amnesia and brings it home so I’m looking forward to their next showdown and it looks like it’s about time for me to get hooked on Nightwing.
Well, that’s it for me. I’ll be back next week so thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.
About Author
I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)