*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 50

Avengers # 37

Batman And The Outsiders # 18

Commanders In Crisis # 1

Dark Nights: Death Metal # 4

Detective Comics # 1028

The Flash # 763

Hawkman # 28

Immortal Hulk # 38

Marvel Zombies Resurrection # 3

Rorschach # 1

Star Wars: Darth Vader # 6

Stealth # 6

Strange Adventures # 6

True Believers: Black Widow & The Amazing Spider-Man # 1

Wonder Woman # 764

Amazing Spider-Man # 50- After the colossal # 850, this issue begins a new story arc that will guarantee to shake up Spider-Man’s world. Already we got to see a really shocking moment between Norman Osborn and The SIn-Eater (**NO SPOILERS**) that will leave you speechless, and might I add that Patrick Gleason is delivering such wonderful artwork so his return to ASM is very triumphant due to his clever storytelling; And yes, we finally get the true identity of Kindred (**NO SPOILERS**) that will leave anyone’s jaw on the ground after reading this issue, and with that, ASM is really beginning to pick up some serious steam.

Commanders In Crisis # 1 – This is such a sensational concept done with love and respect by Steve Orlando and Davide Tinto that anyone will enjoy this, even if you’re getting into comics for the first time. A group of heroes from multiple earths that have died fighting for truth and justice on a new world is a really cool story to be told. For me, I just enjoy stories that feature several stories about the Multiverse and this series really takes that concept and gives the typical superhero stories a great new twist so if you have a Hugh love for classic superheroes then give this title a try.

The Flash # 763- The new creative team of Kevin Shinick and Clayton Henry already bring to the table excitement with their opening story, which focuses on The Flash’s ring that conceals his clothing, and while we’ve seen the ring up close and personal, we’ve never gotten the full story behind it, which keeps him connected with The Speed Force so this concept is a perfect way to introduce the new creative team and hopefully will result in better stories.

Immortal Hulk #38- Just when you thought this series couldn’t;t get any better, it seems like Al Ewing and Joe Bennett continue to raise the bar in the form of ……….The Devil Hulk! I really like seeing a new incarnation of the Hulk psyche being in the spotlight and it really opens up the series to tell such new and refreshing stories so I’m hoping that The Devil Hulk will be a force of nature that should frighten Hulk fans old and new.

Rorschach # 1- This really intrigued me and I know Watchmen fans out there will enjoy the story that Tom King and Jorge Fornes have crafted. Taking place 35 years after Oyzmandias dropped a gigantic squid on New York City, Rorschach appears as an assassin trying to kill a candidate running against President Robert Redford so I like that the mystery and conspiracy elements come into play and after the tail end of his Batman run was met with criticism and scorn, I think it’s refreshing to see the old Tom King back, all while he’s paying homage to the works of Alan Moore. Already making this series, as well as “Doomsday Clock” such amazing entries in the Watchmen mythos.
That’s it for me this week, I’ll be back next time so thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next week!
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