I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

Amazing Spider-Man # 1 (Facsimile Edition)
Batman # 128
Junkyard Joe # 1
MIracleman # 0
New Fantastic Four # 5
Spider-Man # 1
Superman # 1 (Facsimile Edition)

Amazing Spider-Man # 1 (Facsimile Edition)- Although I’ve read this issue many many times thanks to reprints and trades (Not to mention the True Believers reprint) I just can’t get enough of this story as it’s the birth of a superhero who’s the ultimate everyman; Even with all the original ads in place, it’s something that should be in any Spider-Man fan collection.

Junkyard Joe # 1- Geoff Johns and Gary Frank deliver the first spin-off from “Geiger” and it’s such a marvelous read!!, to say the least. In 1972, towards the end of the Vietnam War, a group of soldiers calling themselves The Junkyard Dogs head out on a mission with a new recruit (He’s not much of a talker; Most of the issue focuses on the brutal aspects of wartime but the new guy reveals himself to be a robot so I really like how most of the soldiers are debating if they should trust him or just go with the flow and it’s so refreshing how Johns brings a realistic angle to this series that feels like a cross between “The Twilight Zone” and an Oliver Stone movie; Junkyard Joe may not have the “larger than life” factor that “Geiger” had when it debuted, but it does display the elements of brotherhood and humanity that will make anyone who served in any military outfit burst with pride while not feeling like a weird G.I.Joe/Transformers rip-off.

Miracleman # 0– MIRACLEMAN IS BACK!! Being accompanied by a framing sequence by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham, this anthology special features a plethora of top-notch creative teams that came together to celebrate Miracleman’s 40th anniversary as the character’s modern era is the focal point that is both entertaining and a heartwarming tribute to one of comics most enduring figure; Ryan Stegman gives us a Young Miracleman story that sees him duking it out with Big Ben (aka “The Man With No Time For Crime”) that delivers on the action, a new Warpsmith gets the spotlight courtesy of Mike Carey and Paul Davidson that feels like a chore to read (Not a good thing), A horror story involving the tragic use of the word “Kimota” by Peach Momoko which comes off as her best work to date (You got to love how she keeps getting such high-profile gigs), Ty Templeton gives us a two-page spread that shows such Miracleman versions of comic strips such as “Doonesbury”, “Life In Hell” “Nemo In Slumberland” and “Krazy Kat” done to perfection. Finally, Jason Aaron and Leinil Francis Yu team up for a story that sees MM meeting his creator but I swear it feels like Alan Moore himself wrote this (No foolin’); Ths anthology serves as a great way to reintroduce Miracleman to the new generation of readers while gearing up for Gaiman and Buckingham’s triumphant return of “The Silver Age” arc that hasn’t been touched since Eclipse Comics when under in 1994. Now is the perfect time to get into Miracleman.

Spider-Man # 1– Yep, Marvel has given us a second Spider-Man series, this time uniting the team of Dan Slott (A writer that most comics fans love to hate) and Mark Bagley (A glorified legend who’s drawn more Spider-Man stories during his amazing career) for the first time since their backup story from the Venom Super-Special back in 1995 (See how old I am?!?); We get the usual rundown of Peter Parker’s current continuity – He’s still working for Norman Osborn (Never thought I would type this out!) while wearing his spiffy new Oscorp suit (It’s starting to grow on me) but for the most part, it looks like Slott is going back into familiar territory with the return of the Spider-Verse (This time… it’s coming to an end); Yes, Morlun returns and some familiar faces make their presence felt as this new Spider-Verse story doesn’t feel like a retread of the first one or the sequel “Spider-Geddon”; Slott and Bagley deliver all the wonderful yet classic elements that fans can expect from a Spider-Man story while once again shows their love and appreciation for the Wall-Crawler. This issue, however, feels like a comic book version of “No Way Home” that makes for a brilliant introduction to this new series. As for the Spider-Verse?! Knowing Marvel, come hook or crook, they find a way to bring it back.

Superman # 1 (Facsimile Edition)- This is another Facsimile edition that should be in anyone’s collection. Seeing The Man of Steel as a social crusader is magnificent while showing how much he’s grown as a character but I really love seeing the collaboration of Jerry Sigel and Joe Shuster as they created one of the greatest superheroes of all time. Highly Recommend this for anyone who wants to see the early exploits of Superman from a fresh perspective.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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