*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*
Amazing Spider-Man # 5
Batman # 125
Black Adam- The Justice Society Files: Hawkman # 1
Captain America: Sentinel Of Liberty # 2
Ghost Rider # 4
Monkey Prince # 6
Saga # 60
Amazing Spider-Man # 5– This issue wraps up the first arc as the action gets replaced with the soap opera aspect that is, and always will be, a legendary hallmark for Marvel’s flagship title; Spidey’s tussle with Tombstone is not precisely the drag down, off the wall battle you would expect but it comes across like a CBS drama which is exciting for the most part but doesn’t pay off the way it should have. I also like how Felicia Hardy (The Black Cat) had a significant interaction with Peter to show how he’s grown since they last saw each other so that was a touching moment. This opening arc had some good points to it when it comes to utilizing Tombstone, The Rose, and Digger as dangerous villains but the bad point is the mystery of Peter’s falling out with Mary Jane, as well as why The Avengers and The Fantastic Four is still unanswered but for the time being, this arc is a strong reminder of how Peter Parker’s life can be hectic when it comes to being Spider-Man.
Batman # 125– The Chip Zdarksy era kicks off here as he ushers in a new era for everyone’s favorite Dark Knight! Everything about this issue is just mindblowing and a strong Batman story that will get everyone talking; From seeing Batman once again embracing his Bruce Wayne identity to the perfect use of Tim Drake as Robin (It’s great to see him written as the character we all know and love without using his sexual preference as a way to make him interesting that will pander to the readers); The Penguin returns with a slight twist that will shock readers (**NO SPOILERS**) but Zdarksy isn’t finished surprising us as we’re introduced to Failsafe, the modern-day version of Doomsday which will no doubt bring major changes to Batman’s world. This issue also starts up a new Catwoman backup feature by Zdarsky and artist Belen Ortega that works in sync with the main story but also feels like a noir story with the usual quirkiness one would find when it comes to a story set in Gotham. Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez have already set the stage for an excellent run that will make for another wonderful entry in Batman’s world.
Black Adam- The Justice Society Files: Hawkman # 1– These Justice Society files put the spotlight on the famed superhero team who are making their cinematic debut in “Black Adam”; This first one puts the focus on Hawkman; The supernatural elements make this story more intriguing and I really like the introduction of Gentleman Ghost (The DCEU version) while the strange appearance by Doctor Fate was a nice touch as it gives the readers a glimpse of how close the Justice Society were in their heyday; The backup feature (I swear DC loves squeezing them in just to jack up the prices on their books) features Adrianna Tomaz (Isis) coming across a secret that could change everything she holds dear but in honesty, it feels more like an interlude before the movie comes out. Hawkman fans will get a kick out of this special as it puts a fresh spin on a classic character. Even if he is rooted within the DCEU, it’s still a win.
Ghost Rider # 4– Benjamin Percy and Cory Smith continue their
dark and horrific run on GR with such fanfare that should be read with a Metallica playlist on hand because this horror in this series serves as the sensational factor that only helps brings eyes to this series; The Ringmaster and The Circus of Crime being possessed by a satanic force is a great twist to a group of villains who love to give both The Hulk and Spider-Man a run for their money; Percy is the type of writer who’s not afraid to take risks when writing a Ghost Rider story as he takes the most disturbing yet chilling elements to craft something genuine and Cory Smith’s attention to detail in his art really brings the horror up close and personal which is unique for a title like this. Thanks to Percy and Smith, Ghost Rider is truly a masterclass of true authentic horror that will take the readers on a fearful ride that they will never forget.
Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and will see you all next time.