How to Get News Coverage Panel
Small press publishers: What makes the difference between an item that will get news coverage, previews, and interviews, and what won’t? A lot of publishers have no idea what to submit to the press, how to submit it, and why they are being overlooked for coverage. Rik Offenberger (First Comics News, G-Man Comics) moderates this panel of comic journalists who will tell you what they are looking for in your submission. Panelists include Ed Catto (Agendae, Pop Culture Squad, Captain Action), Tim Chizmar (Fangoria, co-chair of the Horror Writers Association, First Comics News), Glenn Hauman (Comic Mix), Michael Kingston (Headlocked Comics, BOOM! Studios), Heidi MacDonald (Comics Beat), Alexander Raymond (Monstar Public Relations), Rob Salkowitz (ICv2, Forbes), Amanda Sheriff (Gemstone Publishing), Francis Sky (First Comics News, Massacre Twins), and Josh Waldrop (Ultima Digital Media).
Thursday, July 21, 2022
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Room 10