Hack/Slash vs Chaos #2 preview

Hack/Slash vs Chaos #2

writer: Tim Seeley

artist: Celor

covers: Tim Seeley (A)

              Craig Cermak (B)

              Celor (C)

              Craig Cermak (RI-BW)

              Celor (RI-Virg)

              Tim Seeley (RI-B/W)

              Craig Cermak (RI-Virg)

              Celor (RI-BW)

FC  |  32 pages  |  Horror  |  $3.99  |   Teen + 

Cassie and Vlad are on the hunt for the legendary Draugsplitter sword, which is the only thing that will be able to stem the return of every slasher they’ve ever killed. The only problem is, the blade is in the possession of Purgatori!

Meanwhile, Evil Ernie, Purgatori and the Chosen are feeling the sting of betrayal, and they’ve put Cassie and Vlad firmly on their %&*^-list!

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