Get Ready for Doctor Who Comics Day 2020

Saturday, November 21st 2020, will mark the sixth Doctor Who Comics Day and sees two fantastic new launches with the release of the Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious comic collection and Doctor Who Comics #1 – a new comic series starring the Thirteenth and Tenth Doctor.

Doctor Who Comics Day is a global event inspired by Titan Comics’ Doctor Who comics and collections. Whovians can celebrate Doctor Who Comics Day from the comfort of their own homes, or in person at comic shops, bookstores, and libraries, where these are open and have suitable social distancing measures in place.


Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious collection is a thrilling new adventure for the Tenth Doctor (as played by fan-favorite David Tennant) that sees the shocking return of his deadliest enemies: the Daleks! But things aren’t what they seem – time is all wrong, and something is coming that terrifies even the Daleks! Watch the trailer HERE.

Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious is being told across audio, novels, comics, vinyl, digital, immersive theatre, escape rooms and games. The adventure will tell a new and untold saga, set within the Dark Times at the start of the universe, when even the Eternals were young. The story follows several Doctors across space and time as they defend their home planet from a terrible race.

Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious collection is available from comic shops, all good bookshops and digital platforms:

US/Can: Barnes & NobleBooks-A-MillionAmazonIndigoBBC Online Shop

UK & Europe: Forbidden PlanetWaterstones


Digital: ComixologyKindle


For more Time Lord Victorious products, visit Forbidden Planet


If that wasn’t enough of a reason to get involved with Doctor Who Comics Day, Titan is launching Doctor Who Comics #1 – an all-new comic series, which sees Rose Tyler, the Thirteenth and Tenth Doctor teaming up, plus the comic debut of the iconic 70s TV villain, the Sea Devils!

After narrowly escaping the Weeping Angels and the Autons in 1960s London, the Tenth and Thirteenth Doctor must team-up once again to save present-day Earth from being overrun by the classic aquatic villain, the Sea Devils! Who else can they turn to for help but Rose Tyler: leader of the human resistance! Watch the trailer here.

You can also find an interview with writer Jody Houser and colorist Enrica Eren Angiolini on FPTV

Both the Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious collection and the new comic series are written by Eisner-nominated Jody Houser (Stranger Things, Star Wars, Spider-Man) with art by Roberta Ingranata (Witchblade) and Enrica Eren Angiolini (Shades of Magic).

As part of the Doctor Who Comics Day celebrations you’ll be able to collect a fantastic range of covers including artwork by Peach Momoko, and an exclusive Doctor Who Day cover by Rachael Stott – only available in comic shops!

Doctor Who Comics #1 is available from comic shops, UK & Europe: Forbidden Planet and digital platforms

For those special comic fans out there, keep your eyes peeled for Doctor Who Comics #1 Exclusive Peach Momoko Virgin Sketch cover only available at Forbidden Planet. Only 500 copies are available worldwide so make sure you get yours!



Throughout Saturday November 21, we’d love you to get involved in the festivities! This is the sixth Doctor Who Comics Day, and as with much of 2020, it’s going to be a bit different this year!

In addition to the fantastic stories you will uncover in Doctor Who Comics #1 and Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious collection, we have created a kit to help you host your own Doctor Who Comics Day, with lots of activities for all ages to get involved in; posters and banners for social media; materials to create your own TARDIS, competitions plus much more!

Here are some hints and tips for making your Doctor Who Comics Day a success…


We know that for some this year it will be difficult to support your store or library in person, though where appropriate social distances measures are in place, we encourage all Whovians to celebrate Doctor Who Comics Day by visiting their nearest store. Remember that while some businesses might still be in lockdown across the globe, you can still support them by ordering on their website or through store-side pick-ups. Discover what is happening at your nearest comic shop here or click here to view a list of participating stores.

*Due to the UK lockdown, Forbidden Planet is operating a “call and collect service” more details can be found here. For online orders visit Forbidden Planet


Download the reading guide HERE and discover the best jumping on points to explore the world of Doctor Who comics!



Want a taste of what the Doctor Who Comics are like? There are a number of FREE Doctor Who comics available digitally – you can find them HERE.

While this year celebrates the launch of the brilliant Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious collection and Doctor Who Comic #1, there are many, many more collections available. A full list of all the Doctor Who comics can be found HERE

Check out the Doctor Who comics digital sale on comiXology HERE


Whether you’re socially distancing, or away from your friends and family, why not hold a Doctor Who Comics Day party. Download the kit HERE for decorations and party ideas.

Other ideas to make your Doctor Who Comics Day fantastic:

Posters – The posters have a blank area so that you can write in details of your own event. Although Doctor Who Comics Day is Saturday November 21, if you already have events planned, or have another day when you’d like to celebrate it, then why not hold it another day?

Puzzles and coloring – We have created a wide selection of coloring pages and puzzles, like word searches and mazes. These can be printed out and copied for quick, fun activities – and we’d love to see your finished pages – post photos with #DoctorWhoComicsDay!

Quizzes – We have collated some Doctor Who quizzes to test your Doctor Who knowledge. Why not host a video-call quiz to see who’s the ultimate Whovian!

Decorations – Every event needs decorations, and so we’ve created some Dalek and TARDIS print-out bunting for you to customize your event with.Plus much much more!

Food – And every event needs some great food. Why not get creative in the kitchen, we’d love to see your Doctor Who bakes – #DoctorWhoBake – whether it’s a gingerbread Dalek, Adipose cakes, a super-sweet Kandy Man – or just a great big plate of fish fingers and custard!


Doctor Who costumes could be as simple as a fez hat (Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor), a blue suit and overcoat (David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor), or a rainbow striped t-shirt (Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor), or why not try to recreate one of the amazing alien races that the Doctor has encountered? Post a picture of your costume with the hashtag #DoctorWhoDress and tag @ComicsTitan, and you could get a shout out by Doctor Who comic creators Jody Houser and Roberta Ingranata!


Make sure you follow Titan Comics and BBC Doctor Who social media to stay up-to-date on all events both leading up to the event and on Doctor Who Comics Day itself.

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