Gallant Comics #1 is a 48 page FULL COLOR comic featuring four ALL NEW stories set in the Gallant Comics Universe!
All stories are written, colored, lettered, and designed by Barry Gregory. Interior artwork is by Fish Lee, Dell Barras, Andre St-Amour, Michael Dorman, and Thomas Florimonte, Jr.
There are four variant covers, each featuring one of four stories within..
Cover A is Firehair with cover pencils and inks by Pat Quinn.

Firehair interior pencils and inks are by Dell Barras.

Cover B is Jet Powers and the Chrononauts with pencils and inks by Fish Lee.

Jet Powers and the Chrononauts interior pencils and inks are by Fish Lee.

Cover C is Silver Streak with cover pencils and inks by Steven Butler.

Silver Streak interior artwork is by Andre St-Amour (pencils and inks).

Cover D is The Devil Inside (featuring the original Daredevil) with cover pencils and inks by Steven Butler.

The Devil Inside (featuring the original Daredevil) interior artwork is by Michael Dorman (pencils) and Thomas Florimonte Jr (inks).

We have several Add-On items available also and will be adding new Add-On items throughout the campaign.
Our first Add-On is a Kickstarter Exclusive Prismatic Metallic Foil Variant cover edition. This cover features pencils and inks by Steven Butler and will ONLY be available in this campaign and NEVER again. So if you want it, this is your ONLY chance!