Comic Book Luminary to Make Exclusive Announcements This Weekend at Comic-Con International
Lion Forge’s “Comics for Everyone” Fall 2018 Preview
Sunday, July 22, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Room: 8
Lion Forge Comics strives to publish comics that everyone, regardless of background, ethnicity, or gender identification can connect with. With multiple imprints, including an entire line of books for younger readers, and one of the most diverse superhero universes in comics history, the St. Louis publisher makes good on that promise every Wednesday. Lion Forge senior publicist Jeremy Atkinsand senior editor Amanda Meadows give attendees an exclusive look at what’s to come from Lion Forge this fall and are joined by a cast of the industry’s top talent and a special surprise guest for an exclusive announcement that will echo throughout the San Diego Convention Center!