Folklore is a post-apocalyptic superhuman horror story that follows the survivors of a biological weapon that has twisted the world’s greatest heroes into abominable shadows of their former selves. Uncertain of the future and guided by the man who was once the world’s most renown hero, their party must make their way across an America where mankind is fractured and hunted by the saviors who once swore to defend them.
Folklore is illustrated by Colin Tan Wei and is written by Adam Ma — who is also the one crafting this email! Like most indie comics, Folklore has been a passion project of ours for years, and originally began its life as a small Patreon funded web series. Since 2016 we’ve been updating regularly, and our efforts have yielded us a wonderfully supportive audience and a digital publisher in the form of Hiveworks Comics.
Our main goal has always been to tell a story that’s compelling both in visuals and narrative, showcasing the best of what we creatively have to offer. We’ve also worked hard to ensure that despite the quality of our work, Folklore will always be free to enjoy in some way. So, as we approach the release of our seventh issue, we wanted to take some time to promote what we’ve managed to accomplish so far. Included in this email are Volumes 1 and 2 of Folklore, which together consist of all 6 issues we’ve released via our website in a weekly format. We’ve also included cover art and a few spoiler-free pages that we’re especially fond of for your promotional use.