Any comic book fan worth their salt is able to name at least 20 of their favorite comic book characters. But when it comes to naming celebrities who have appeared in comics, it’s not such an easy task! Surprisingly, there are a huge number of famous people who have either become the main star of a comic or have made a cameo appearance. So, who are they and which comics did they appear in?
We all have our secret wish lists of superhero battles, but it doesn’t get more epic than the battle between Superman and the greatest boxer of all time, Muhammed Ali, in one of the Adventures of Superman comics. A huge crowd turns out to watch the duel, which culminates in Ali delivering the winning punch which knocks Superman out. It doesn’t end in tears, however, as it later transpires that this was all part of an elaborate plan between Ali and Superman to save the world from an alien invasion. Whether Superman is on your list of favorite comic book heroes or not, this is definitely a match made in heaven.
If you’re a fan of the rapper you might already know that he has a huge comic book collection of his own, but did you know that he has also starred in a Marvel comic with The Punisher? It’s true! In 2009 Marvel published Eminem/Punisher #1, in which Slim Shady teamed up with the superhero vigilante. The crazy storyline sees The Punisher obliterating Eminem’s entourage in an initially misunderstood attempt to save him. The rest of the comic is so far out it needs to be seen to be believed, so make this one for your own collection!
Comic book characters are usually known for their superhuman powers, so it is of no surprise that self-proclaimed spoon-bending psychic Uri Geller appears in the Marvel Universe! Stan Lee decided to include him in Daredevil #133 in which the superhero needed to enlist the help of Geller to help stave off an attack on New York by an army of psychic beings. Needless to say, the duo made an excellent pairing and defeated the onslaught!

Team PokerStars player Vivian Im is also no stranger to appearing in comic books. Although not a fan of reading comics herself, a friend told her that a comic based on her life as a poker player had been started in 2012. As the comic’s popularity grew, Vivian met with the author to give him more information about being a poker player and how to play Texas Hold’Em. The comic continued to gain fans and is now a popular medium for people to get to know poker.
In 2010, Bieber was immortalized in comic book print as part of the Bluewater Production Fame series. Following in the footsteps of stars such as Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, the comic details the pop idol’s meteoric rise to fame from YouTube star to international phenomenon. Although there are no epic superhero battles, fans are able to follow Bieber’s journey from his initial discovery right through to his appearances on prime time talk shows and global stages.
The comedian, writer, and actress have been nominated for a whole host of impressive awards, but she is also now able to list Marvel character to her remarkable resume. Starring in Deadpool #40, Silverman makes a cameo appearance as a protestor against the Roxxon Company who are set to use a process known as “fracking” to extract water and make money. Silverman is well known for her stance on environmental issues so the writers felt she would be a perfect voice to stand against the sinister corporate entity.
Whether you have a favorite comic or not, celebrity cameos are always worth looking out for in comics. When two universes collide, you never know what you’re going to get!