Eagle-Con at Cal State LA to delve into the power and beauty of a vast array of fantastic bodies

Eagle-Con will bring together science fiction, fantasy, comic books, and superheroes, as well as insider views of these highly creative genres at Cal State LA. This year’s theme is “Amazing Abilities and the Body Fantastic.”

The three-day convention will explore issues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, identity, ability, and representation in science fiction and fantasy across media. The Art Directors Guild is the founding sponsor of Eagle-Con at Cal State LA.

Thursday, March 7 to Saturday, March 9. Cal State LA is located at the Eastern Avenue exit, San Bernardino (I-10) freeway, at the interchange of the 10 and 710 freeways. Public permit parking available in upper level of Structure C.

Eagle-Con will feature a concept-to-post-production exhibit of the art behind Spiderman: Homecoming, created by production designer Oliver Scholl and his team. The exhibit’s open reception will take place at 5 p.m. on March 7 in the university’s Fine Arts Gallery.

The event will include cosplay, panels, a student film festival, a vendors marketplace, and performance of Qui Nguyen’s play She Kills Monsters. There will also be a series of workshops by the makeup, visual effects and production design teams of Babylon 5 on March 9, along with an art display of the sci-fi series in the University-Student Union.

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