Did you Miss Holly G!’s Sketchbook Book???

“Yeah I drew it” by Holly G! Guitar Cover

Yup- I’ve said those words many times at conventions, on Facebook & loads of other places.
It’s funny, because when I was little girl, I thought only Girls could draw, since the only other people I knew who were, was my Mum and my Dad’s Mum, my Mimi! But here I am- 53 years old and still have peeps asking, “Did you draw that?” or just think I’m a model -which I do some-or a girlfriend- yup I’m that too!… BUT indeed Yeah, I Drew it!
I’ve collected a few early ink and pencil drawings from Pin-ups to Vampfire Covers, some new ones, as well as Tarot characters. Look below for a few of the chosen pieces…

The book is in B/W 36 pages, saddle-stitched (bound in comic book form) and every book comes signed.
I really hope you enjoy this sampling of my doodles and drawing and Thank You for supporting this Gal’s passion for fantasy and the Goddess in every Woman!

Order you Edition Today!

A peek at a few of my interior sketches….

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