Devil’s Due is holding a worldwide talent search for new artists & colorists for a number of upcoming projects, and the talent we’re looking for could be you! So, if you’ve ever wanted to work on a major comic book series from one of the world’s best indie publishers, now is your chance. Shoot your shot and send us a Dropbox or Google Drive link to your absolute best work.
We’re looking for sequential artists who can tell a story, convey emotion and draw some kick-ass action scenes. Specifically, we’re hoping to find artists for The Encoded & Mercy Sparx, and both titles have some particular skills you’ll need to pull these books off.
For Mercy Sparx, we’re looking for someone with the ability to draw action and supernatural creatures. That’s a must, but equally important is attention to detail and slice of life charm. Plus, you’ll need an eye for current fashions amongst different subcultures, and grimey-ass dive bars.
For The Encoded, we’re looking for someone who can draw humans and robots with equal panache, in a series that aims for a grounded sci-fi feel set in the year 2055.
But wait, there’s more!
We’re also looking for colorists! This means all you coloring professionals should link us to samples of your best and favorite work too, so we can pair you up with the appropriate artist and start making some dang comic books!
Send links (only links, please do not send files) to with the title: TALENT SEARCH