Death to The Army of Darkness #5 preview

Death to The Army of Darkness #5

writer: Ryan Parrott 

artist:  Jacob Edgar

covers: Ben Oliver (A), Sergio Davila (B), Mirka Andolfo (C), Stephen Mooney “Frank

            Miller Homage” Variant (D), Mirka Andolfo (RI-B/W), Stephen Mooney “Frank

            Miller Homage” Variant (RI-Virgin), Mirka Andolfo (RI-BW Virgin), Sergio

            Davila (RI-B/W), Ben Oliver (RI-BW)

FC  |  32 pages  |  Comedy/Horror  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 

Holllllllllly snot, we made it to the end! Team Ash (A guy! A gal! A dog! An imp! A skeleton! A talking chainsaw!) gotta fight every damn demon in sight (maybe invisible ones too?) in effort to destroy THE NECRONOMICON, before the evilest book ever created lays waste to the whole flippin’ world!

By RYAN PARROTT (TMNT/Power Rangers) and JACOB EDGAR (James Bond)!

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